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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google

Character Name: Ailin
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 52
Physical Description: Ailin has white, shortish hair and mainly wears Wood Elf robes that are good to fight in. He is tallish, thin, and has a small scar on his face.
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-Congratulations on the acceptance of your application. If you need any help from please message me on the forums, on discord BritBritt#1506 (second brit has a second t), or in game /msg Cosmetology

-If you need any further help feel free to use OOC chat, /h to access our help chat, or make a modreq /modreq to speak with a GM.

-Happy Roleplaying and I hope to see you playing soon c:

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Thank you for refining your strengths and weaknesses. I just need you to refine your power gaming and meta gaming definition to include examples and how they affect role play. If you need any help please contact me. 

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