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Emily Hondley
  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When you use out of game knowledge in game. Eg. when you know the town will get attacked and you use your character to go around shouting it when your character has no reason to have this infomation
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: When you force some one to do or say some thing in rp. Eg. *the girl walked into the tavern, every guy stopped what they were doing and fell to their knees asking for her to be their wife*
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Lulie Hadley
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 19
Physical Description: She is thin and has barely any fat on her. Her hair black, long and matted. Her clothes are baggy and fall over her very loosely.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Welcome to LoTC, you'll be whitelisted soon enough! Until then, check out more of the lore which can be found on the forums or the wiki and see what builds there are on the server as a Wandering Soul. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll be happy to answer. Here's the link to the new player discord as well: https://discord.gg/jXC5SX7.

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