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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When you use out of character knowledge in rp
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: When you emote being stronger than everyone else
    Status: Accepted

Leah stops, looking up and down upon the man before stating a greeting. “Hello! I am here in search of a new life, looking for new places and a unique, stable job to enjoy myself in. Might you have any idea of where to search?”

Character Name: Leah Flint
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Short light-brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, a few small freckles on cheek and nose, 5'6 ft, 140 lbs.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review



Welcome to LoTC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically whitelisted on the server. Should there be issues with your whitelisting please contact me on discord or over the forums.


If you’d like in-game assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and as for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LoTC. You can perform /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please in-game as well for assistance.


  • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and ask our Community Team Members for assistance or any questions you may have.

  • We encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LoTC and roleplay itself.

  • Since your character is a Human, we encourage you to read about the Human Nations and Major Charters. In addition, check our our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in!


Should you need any help at any point in the future, please contact me on discord at z3m0s#6599. You can also /creq (message) on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

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