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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Stonixity#3660
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is, When you use information that your character wouldnt have known, but you do. Example: your friend tells you in discord that they are moving, then your character can't know it in the roleplay.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power gaming is executing actions which your persona isnt actually capabele of, for example: playing a 5 year old kid who is holding a iron sword
    Status: Accepted

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond.


A small smile forms on the face of Winifred ‘ I'm here for an adventure ‘ Winifred notices how the man is dressed ‘ Who are you by the way? ‘

Character Name: Winifred Hale
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: Winifred is a young lady who stands at 5.5. She had brown eyes but she lost her right eye, she has white short hair
Screenshot of Skin:

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You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


  • Your backstory must include at least one piece of lore from the Lord of the Craft wikipedia. Unfortunately, locations do not count as lore as they are far too easy to use. If you need any help location lore you are welcome to use any of the following places:

  • Your personality traits must be at least three (3) full sentences as well as include at least one (1) negative trait for your character.


If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at armajesty#5043.

You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!

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Welcome to Lord of the Craft and congratulations on completing your application! You are free to  use /creq in-game which will contact me or my fellow Community Staff members who can offer our assistance! Here is the New Player Guide! I recommend you look it over and ask any questions if you are confused. Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in future! Here is the link to the New Player Discord., it is highly recommended that you join. 


If you require any help feel free to contact me through forum dms or on discord at armajesty#5043.


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