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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraftservers.org
    Discord: TheRealCrazyMark#2079
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Out of character info can be used for in-character advantage
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Roleplaying unfairly and unrealistically
    Status: Accepted

“Hello there good sir!” I smiled at the man “I’m here for another a reason, I’m looking for an old friend of mine and this is their last known location. I’d love to stay and chat but I must get going, have a good day good sir!”

Character Name: Krognak
Character Race: Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Krognak wears his battle armor on top of his regular clothing, he's a muscular 5 ft 150 lbs bold orc with red eyes.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Welcome to LotC, and thank you for applying! We hope you have a fun role-playing experience, and if you are in need or require any assistance, please do /creq [message] to open up a Community Staff Ticket. You may also refer to our chats in-game such as #h for help.


Upon approval of your application, you may want some sort of in-game assistance to get used to the server and its functions. If you seek this type of help out, feel free to ask any Community Team Member, and even ask for a Wilven Monk. If someone isn’t available, please do /creq Hey! Can I get a Wilven Monk, please?

  • We encourage you to join our New Player Discord, which is a wonderful place to meet with new players, or even communicate with older players on the server. You may also contact any Community Team Member here.
  • We also encourage you to read our New Player Guide, which provides valuable information concerning the server and its various functions. 

  • Since your character is an Orc, we’d like to forward you to our Orc Settlement Guide which contains many Major Orc Nations and Charters. If you’d like to learn more about other nations, refer to the Settlement Guide for other places!


If you need any help otherwise, please contact me at clonky#2962, in-game doing /msg Aurea [message], or even through the forums. If I am not able to be acquired, you can also do /creq [message] for help from any other Community Team Member! 


Thank you for applying, and Happy Roleplaying!

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