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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: serbian warlord#7693
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: meta-gaming is characterized in use of OOC informations in IC. A good example is when my friend is about attack someone, and he just PM me in Discord to give a help.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming consists in impossible things that normal human can't do. Things that only God or someone extremely strong and resistant could do, so, it's not allowed. A good example is when I fall from a high distance from the soil, and not die or got damag
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Congalach McAuley
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: A man with dark hair, brown eyes. Common build. He has a scar in the right cheek. He wears a purple dark tunic, leather bracelet, black pants and boot
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Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on,


For the following reasons,


  • Your Biography a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with at least a couple more complete sentences (7) and including at least two more lore mentions. The following links can help you with the latter. This is a space for you to write the origin/history of your character. Aegrothrond is an elven kingdom I suggest taking a look at the links provided to have a bit of a more accurate biography, according with the race you’ve chosen.
  • I suggest expanding your description a bit, how do his features look like? How is he usually dressed?
  • Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format
    • Positive (strength, skill, achievement)
    • neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies)
    • negative (Fears, flaws, weakness)

Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours

If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.

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I am happy to inform you that you’ve been


Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas!

If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.

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