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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: planetminecraft.com
    Discord: speg#7088
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Playing a certain RP scenario because of outside information the character would not have access to.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Mary-Sue gaming. You cannot be killed, youre essentially *perfect* and are incredibly powerful and can kill or harm or dodge no matter the scenario.
    Status: Accepted

Jo raised an eyebrow at the man. She didn’t understand why he had came up to her, but she decided there could be no harm in answering.

“I’m looking for a place where I belong, if you really must know.” She answered calmly before continuing. “What’s it to you? What do you gain from knowing about my desires?”

Character Name: Josephine "Jo" Pixernes
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 19
Physical Description: Long brown hair that is kept down. Medium-pale skin that freckles, with wide amber eyes and thick eyebrows. Average build, wears a blue dress and bow.
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Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul!


When you get online, perform the following command: /creq Hey, I just joined, could I get a Monk to help me out?

You may also use the /creq command for other things that you may need help with!


For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities!


You can also find information about the Nations of LOTC on the Major Nations and Charters page as the Settlement Guide Hub!


Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)!


Have fun out there!

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