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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is when you use out of game sources to make you more powerful/ knowledgeable. Like getting help in a situation where people wouldn't normally know about
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is forcing others to go with what you say, like saying you cut of John's leg instead of you swing at John's leg, trying to cut it off
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Thrak
Character Race: Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 37
Physical Description: Thrak is a brute of an Uruk, he has a nasty scar going down the left side of his face, blinding that eye
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Changed Status to Under Review

Your application has been:


Thank you for applying and clearly putting effort and time on it!
You will be implemented into the server shortly!


While so, you can take a look of some more server lore if you want, from the Wiki !

And if you yet haven't, I recommend on you to join in The New Player Discord ! There are many people out there ready to help with anything!


You can also directly contact me at all times here on the forums, via discord: Ali#0878 or in-game. My username is MyLittleUnicorn, either was it that you need assistance on something, or if you need help on getting started on the server!

You can also in-game use the command ' /atreq (message here) ' to get aid from the Application team! We are more than willing to help you with anything!


 Good luck and enjoy the journey around Lord Of The Craft! 

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