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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server-list.com
    Discord: Asteros#3644
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is when a person acts outside of a characters personality and backstory. Metagaming is also when your character knows something they shouldn't. An example of this is knowing exactly where an enemy is hiding because somebody who isn't playing (y
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is when a person wants it their way. if they cannot get that. they will break their character's boundaries of what they can do. An example of which is if a character is fighting a boss he pulls out an ability in which the character never had.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Quincy Asteros
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: - Bears a symbol of a purple dragon on left shoulder
- Wears a White Robe over Black Shirt and Pants.
- He usually dresses very formally
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on,


For the following reasons,


  • Your definition on  Powergaming is alright, however, I suggest using examples to show understanding of the concept. The following link can help you out.
  • Your Biography a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with at least a couple more complete sentences (7) and including at least two more lore mentions. The following links can help you with the latter. This is a space for you to write the origin/history of your character. There can be no mention of magic however, since it’s something you gain thru RP. Make sure it’s clear your father never killed a dragon with only one sword as it sounds powergamey.
  • I suggest expanding your description a bit, how do his features look like? How is he usually dressed? Focus on physical characteristics, this is the place where you’ll let us know who we are encountering if we walk up to you. 
  • Your skin could use some work, you can browse our Skin Archive or commision one of our tailor’s a skin for your character. 
  • Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format
    • Positive (strength, skill, achievement)
    • neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies)
    • negative (Fears, flaws, weakness)

Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours

If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.

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2 things I would like to address.

1. I cannot expand the description of my character because of the 150 character limit. (This recent change I've done the best of my ability to do what you asked.)

2. I am not some skin genius. That skin took an hour as is, though I will try to use a template and edit it to my liking and be similar to what I posted. The skin creator I used was only able to have multiple layers but they appeared on the same layer as eachother and I couldn't do much aside from make the base layer.


I appreciate the staff for not denying applications immediately and giving people a chance of redemption and I appreciate you for taking the time to write all of this. I give my respect.


Regards, Asteros

Edited by Asteros
White background on text
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Hey Asteros, sure thing the description is fine as is, 
Regarding the skin I recommend you browse the skin archive I linked in my first reply to check some of the skins that some players are using. We don’t expect our applicants or players to be skin geniuses, you can always ask for help from one of our skinners and I’m sure they’ll help you out. I will however not delay your entry into the server as this is something that could take some time and I know you might be excited to get your RP going. 
On your bio:
You mention being a hearttlander and becoming a farfolk this is  a bit impossible, it’s not really just culture, it’s like subrace, it would be like me being a latinx becoming an european from day to night. I also suggest reading a bit more lore, spice it up there really are no negative points for going above and beyond what’s the minimum.

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I have taken a skin from the archive and made 2 simple modifications to it as i felt it was close enough to what i had imagined. I am finding it troubling to add lore though as the human wiki really only talks about kings and my character is supposed to be a nobody who isnt related to any royalty. I will try my best to find more to add though. Thank You.

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Great job!

Sorry for the delay, my mom’s birthday was today. 

I am happy to inform you that you’ve been


Your journey has only begun, adventure awaits in the lands of Arcas!

If you have any other questions feel free to message me through the forums or discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul)#1674, you can also join our New Player Discord, where you can talk and ask questions to other players from the server. If you have any doubts on how the server works make sure you use our New Player Guide! this guide is filled with tons of useful information to help you understand the server during your newcomer stage. Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny.

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