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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Pothole#7406
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: metagaming is where you use knowledge in rp that your character wouldnt know otherwise, such as a character knowing how another character feels/what they're thinking, without them having a reason to know such.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is where a character pulls an impossible task through rp, such as someone beating two people with just a dagger with ease.
    Status: Denied

Apollo, seasick and tired of the long journey, took in the awe-striking sights of the city. He felt fatigued, he never really went to other places. But, he was taken out of his gazing by a gentle voice. He turned to them, giving them a small smile. "Well... uh, I came here to find.."  He started, struggling a slight bit with his words before clearing his throat. "I came here to find a home, a comfortable bed to lay in." He thought for a moment, thinking about walking away before turning back to the man. "Perhaps even... a man to lay with me." He said, quietly. He felt his face flush, turning a soft red colour, it was very noticeable on his pale skin. He was quite embarrassed and realized that he probably shouldn't say things like that out in the open, as it was quite frowned upon.

Character Name: Apollyon Miruel
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 52
Physical Description: He is fair-skinned, 5'7, and of feminine stature. His hair is white, eyes are blue and orange. He is a mesomorph, 160lbs + formal shirt and pants
Screenshot of Skin:

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