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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraftservers.org
    Discord: baymax._.76
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Report to admin/mods
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: It kinda spoils the whole game
    Status: Denied

Elaraine hails from the ancient elven city of Elarion, nestled deep within the enchanted Forest of Lythoria. As the daughter of a revered elven elder, she was trained in the arts of magic, healing, and combat from a young age. Her village was attacked by dark forces, and she was forced to flee, vowing to one day return and reclaim her homeland. Elaraine has since roamed the realms, seeking allies and knowledge to defeat the darkness that plagues her people. Her journey has made her both a formidable warrior and a compassionate healer, ever guided by the wisdom of her ancestors.




Elaraine takes a deep breath, her violet eyes meeting the old hag’s gaze. "My name is Elaraine," she begins, her voice steadying as she speaks. "I come from the Forest of Lythoria, a place now shrouded in darkness. I seek allies to reclaim my homeland from the evil that has overtaken it." She pauses, her expression a mix of determination and sorrow. "I have traveled far, learning much, but I still need help. Perhaps you have the knowledge or the means to aid me in my quest."



Character Name: Elaraine
Character Race: Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Elaraine, a six-foot ethereal elf, has silver hair, violet eyes, porcelain skin, and an enchanting grace, exuding wisdom and strength.
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Changed Status to Under Review


Hello there, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make.
You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes below. Once you have edited and corrected your post, please contact me.

  • Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming and Metagaming and include an example of powergaming and metagaming  is and how it disrupts roleplay. You can also learn more about combat roleplay here. We'd like you to elaborate on your answer to ensure you understand what it is. Keep in mind we are asking for in powergaming what you will do to avoid it. Not what you will do if it happens to you.
  • You cannot be from somewhere that exists outside of the LOTC universe as we have our own extensive lore. The city of  Elarion is from the Dragon Prince. To learn more about LOTC locations and lore you can read this page here.
  • Characters cannot start with knowledge of magic. Magic is something that is learned in game and requires a magic application on the forums as well as an in character teacher to learn. Essentially, all beginning characters must start out as mundane. Becoming powerful is something that happens over time through roleplay experience. 

My discord and forum account is @WhatASithuation 

You can join the LotC Discord here :Discord

In the discord you can also ping the  @Community team and say: “Hey there! I’m new and would like some help with my application. I got put on pending.” if I or another team member can not be reached.   

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! 

Lastly here is a link to the New Player Hub

Hear from you soon.

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Unfortunately, your 48 hour editing period has expired. However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below:

  • Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming and Metagaming and include an example of powergaming and metagaming  is and how it disrupts roleplay. You can also learn more about combat roleplay here. We'd like you to elaborate on your answer to ensure you understand what it is. Keep in mind we are asking for in powergaming what you will do to avoid it. Not what you will do if it happens to you.
  • You cannot be from somewhere that exists outside of the LOTC universe as we have our own extensive lore. The city of  Elarion is from the Dragon Prince. To learn more about LOTC locations and lore you can read this page here.
  • Characters cannot start with knowledge of magic. Magic is something that is learned in game and requires a magic application on the forums as well as an in character teacher to learn. Essentially, all beginning characters must start out as mundane. Becoming powerful is something that happens over time through roleplay experience. 

My discord and forum account is @WhatASithuation 

You can join the LotC Discord here :Discord

In the discord you can also ping the  @Community team and say: “Hey there! I’m new and would like some help with my application.” if I or another team member can not be reached.   

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! 

Lastly here is a link to the New Player Hub

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