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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    Discord: Fosksy The Husky Fox#3170
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Doing things seem off from your character
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Making OP Actions
    Status: Denied

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. Your response must be at least four sentences long and include at least one action and at least one piece of dialogue surrounded by quotes.

“Just shut up, I don’t need your cherry bullshit you know what I come for. You’know,  this cleansing there will be blood sir and you like might be first to G O so many ways to kill someone amazing is it not? Heh heh I could gut you and feed to my beasts or maybe I could watch a curse kill you from I N S I D E! Maybe you will be spare to see corpses of people you knew and loved ta-da I am off to devil’s work.”

Character Name: Apolitben
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: 6'10 tall and wears a blackened Cloak with odd sign on the back. Looks he's been starved, his hair is a deep purple and eyes blood red.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has been:


Due to: This seems like a meme app and is overly edgy, we reapplying we ask you to take the following things in mind.

Ø Your powergaming definition and your metagaming definition are incorrect, please fix this. You can review our wiki page about them here!

Ø Your biography lacked two sufficient lore references (These can be CITY NAMES (City names are not nation names), creature names (creatures that are unique to LOTC not your generic dragon or trolls), other major events that are explained in depth), however races, nations names and vaguely conveyed facts are not sufficient lore reasons. Make sure these match up with your age and the current server year of 1756. Some places you can look for references are, you can also PM on disc and I can help find more than the listed here:

  • Renelia

  • Elven Sub-Forum (You can find events here that are part of LOTC and contains a alot of info when you click into the post)

  • Dominion of Malin (Do know in order to use anything from Dominion, besides events such as things you were present at your age is required to match up, as the dominion was dissolved over 70+ years ago).

  • Dark Elves

Ø You cannot start off with any magic or powers of any sort, nor can you own overpowered wolves. You must remember in LOTC you play a pretty normal person, not some God-like being, please remake your biography to suit this. As well edgy rp isn’t generally liked on LOTC, may wanna fix that. In addition 6’10” is way too tall for a dark elf, please change this to a reasonable height.

Ø Be aware culturally and usually mentally elves are not considered adults until they reach 50 years of age

Ø Your appearance does not match up with LOTC standards, we require this to ensure quality rp. If you’re having trouble with this check out the skin archive found here! This is due to the purple hair and other parts of him. This is required to be fixed.

Ø Your RP scenario response must be four sentences long and include an action. Please fix this. Some problems include; the aforementioned god-like powers.

Ø Personality traits must follow a positive, positive and negative in order to give your persona a weakness. No one likes rping with mary-sues.


If you believe this was denied by mistake contact me through the information below. You may make a new application whenever.


You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Evonpire#0044), my forum account, or on the server (Evonpire). You can join our New Player discord.

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