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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: RaggedyGrace#4578
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using information that you found out OOC, and apply it IC
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Someone who does unrealistic actions and becomes almost godly/near invincible since they ignore effects and force their actions onto others.
    Status: Denied

Lucette hollered a  boisterous greeting to the man in return, a short twist of her wrist in greeting as she scurried her way over to the fine gentleman. “Ah! What did bring me to this wonderful city..hm...” She trailed off as she delved into her own thoughts, her eyes tried to concentrate on the man but would sometimes times stray away to other things happening around her, another vendor selling wares, the bright bags that another buyer carried. All of the sudden, she shook her head and retrained back onto the man, bouncing back to his question. “Not for wealth, no. I have come looking for a good adventure on my own, of more tales to tell or perhaps maybe some interesting wares to add to my collection. Though the third option to your question is not in my agenda, I wouldn’t mind a few steps above.” She nodded matter-of-factually, drumming her fingers against the side of her bag that carried her things. “Say, you seem be the type of man who knows his way around the city. Mind taking a young new lass for a little stroll?”

Character Name: Lucette du Rennais
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 19
Physical Description: Lucette is a lean woman with a fair complexion. She stands around 5'4 with long scarlet red hair and misty blue eyes.
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Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:


  • Your Metagaming and Powergaming Definitions are on the right track, though they’re not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions for help, and I recommend including examples so I can tell you fully understand!
  • Your Character Biography states that your character was born in Lunbeck, which does not exist in-game. Please fix accordingly.


If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on discord @amelica#8025 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions. 


If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining our discord and reading through the New Player Guide as well.

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Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to not making the required changes on time, though here are the changes that would need to be made: 


  • Your Metagaming and Powergaming Definitions are on the right track, though they’re not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions for help, and I recommend including examples so I can tell you fully understand!
  • Your Character Biography states that your character was born in Lunbeck, which does not exist in-game. Please fix accordingly.

After correcting the above things, you may reapply at any time. If you have any questions, please send me a message on discord @amelica#8025, and I recommend that you join the LotC discord using the following invite: https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F. Lastly, take a look at the New Player Guide for further help: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191596-the-new-player-guide/.

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