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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server-list.com
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is the act of applying outside information your In game character would not readily acquire normally through sanctioned play. An example of Metagaming would be talking to a friend over discord or skype about a battle or a site of hidden gold y
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power Emoting aka Power Gaming is the act in which a character does unlikely or even godly feats what their normally character would not be able to do if given full autonomy. An example of Power Emoting is a halfing bard shooting a bow and striking his o
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Andar Volar
Character Race: Highlander
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: A tall burly young man with a red scruffy beard and red hair that barely passes his ears. He looks about 6,4 and calloused hands from intensive work.
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Changed Status to Under Review

Hello! Your application has been:




For the following reasons:

A) Your biography is missing the AT LEAST ONE required lore reference. You can find the lore on the Wiki!

B) Try to include at least one weakness in your interesting facts. This makes for a well-rounded character!


Because you applied as a guest, your application cannot be put on pending in order for you to fix what is wrong with your application. This is the main reason for your denial. I highly suggest making a forum account in order to apply, so that next time your application can be put on pending rather than being denied.


If any of the reasons you have been denied involve the Wiki, you may use this link to go straight to the home page. The home page has links to the power-emoting and meta-gaming definitions, as well as links to find the server lore you are looking for. Click here to go to the Wiki!


You need not worry, however! You may reapply again in 6/3 hours!


If you have further questions or need to contact someone for help, please use this Discord link [Link] and ask any questions you may have. This Discord is our New Player Discord and will a useful tool to help you get started both in your application and in the world once you are implemented!


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me here on the forums, on Discord (Sakura#8726) or on the server with /msg countessem command. You may also use /atreq to place a ticket for assistance with myself or any of the other Application Team staff!


I wish you the best!




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