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The First Barclay Chase


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The First Reinmaren Equestrian Festival



His Lordship, Ser Wilheim the Stallion, Baron of Friesing and racing champion


“The Right Honourable, Johann Barclay the Count of Reinmar hereby invites all budding horse masters, racers, knights and equestrian freemen to attend the first annual Reinmaren Equestrian Festival, a series of races and events to test and prove who is the best horse master and rider on Almaris.


During the festival there will be several equestrian events with subsequent celebrations and feasts for the great occasion, the following events will be hosted in order;


The Horse Master’s Chase


The first event is a race to prove who is the greatest horse master on Almaris. During the event each attending horse rearer may submit a horse and a rider who will face off against other riders and their prized horses. The winner, and therefore the Horse Master, shall receive three hundred mina, a finely crafted Reinmaren saddle, and a medal.


The Riders Right


The second event will showcase the best rider amongst those taking part. During this competition each rider will be provided with a horse of equal quality to each other. Thus, the horsemen shall prove themselves through raw riding skill. The winner will receive three hundred mina, a handcrafted saddle and a medal.


The Destrier Dash


The Destrier Dash is the most brutal of races that will take place in the festival. Horses and equipment will be provided, and the riders shall be allowed to strike, obstruct, and fight their way past the competition. Only the most cunning and ruthless rider shall prevail, and their prize shall be three hundred mina, a lance forged by Ser Reinhardt Barclay, and a medal.


Winners presentation and Feast


The final occasion of the festival will be a grand feast within the walls of Reinstadt, where the winners of each event will be presented with their prizes, there will be plenty of food and drink for those attending to make merry.''



The Right Honourable, Johann Erich Barclay, Count of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren



The event will start at 5pm EST on friday 1st of October, beginning at the docks of Reinmar.



Edited by Frymark
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