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[Eventline] An Initiate's Journal - Joma and Umund, 412 E.S


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This journal has been written to document the events that transpired during the ranging expedition to the Northern Rimeveld.


To be placed upon the desk of Lord Marshal Johann Barclay, by a Initiate of the Brotherhood of St. Karl.


4th day of Joma and Umund, 412 E.S 


Our detachment of Brotherhood soldiers have just departed Karosgrad, numbering approximately 60, we’ve been tasked by the Lord Marshal to venture down north to investigate the happenings in the northern mining villages, or something like that.. The Marshal couldn’t give us a proper direction, though, so our Commander was merely given a few maps to go by. We’ll manage though.. I hope, at least we got some extra fur.


[!] A depiction of a map was drawn crudely below, depicting the Rimeveld with a red-drawn path marked through it.






5th day of Joma and Umund, 412 E.S


We’ve made it, now. The village that we were sent to seems to have fallen under an avalanche of sorts, and there only remains the tips of a few buildings. According to some quick scouting, there are no bodies or signs of life anywhere. We’ll set our equipment down and see if we can find a way inside the buildings, hopefully we’re able to find something there.


[!] Another crude depiction, this time of a small village, its buildings and what seemed to be a wooden wall buried under snow, with only the tips and top-floors visible.






6th day of Joma and Umund, 412 E.S


We checked the houses, the first one seemed to be just a storage, with nothing more than some empty crates and unimportant books there. The larger one - probably meant as a house of sorts - had an entrance through the roof which had given in from all the snow’s weight. Dame Lynette and Ser August went up and tried to get in, but the roof failed and they both fell down.


It seemed as if we were followed by some one-armed man. A mage, maybe? He at least had some red orb, and blasted the wall to the building in which the Knights had fallen right open! Could’ve killed the two.. Dame Tavisha confronted him, while the two knights got out of the building, which could’ve collapsed at any moment.


We heard some noises then - voices, it seemed - and all hid in the buildings and snow. The site was approached by a group of five bandits, discussing something about trolls and plunder. I think they’ve been here before, and came to finish their job, maybe that's why all the crates were empty. After a moment, they saw one of our Brothers, Maximiliano and attacked. They all died quickly, of course, except for one who managed to escape. I checked if there was anything worthy with the bandits, and found a letter in one of their pockets, nothing more.

We’re leaving back to Karosgrad now to report to the Lord Marshal, hopefully we don't need to come back here, but I doubt it.


[!] Below was a copy of the letter, written rather hastily. Above the text was an insignia reminding a bull. Below it were a list of what seemed like place names, with a short, crudely copied signature under those.










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