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[Folklore] The Unsung Voice of the Death


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The Unsung Voice of the Death:
A Tale of  Sorrow & Bitterness 

Within the ancestral land of Oyashima, the barbarity and horrors that come with war was a common sight during the Unification Period (1315-1443). Sequentially, many men were levied to fight for their lord within lands far from their spiritual hometown. Back then, it was considered a bad omen to not give these corpses a proper burial or return them back to their family. Therefore families or warlords would hire monks to guide the body back to their hometown.

  It was from this very belief that a warlord who had no patience for the burial of his men, yet still fearful of heaven, tried to find a quick way out of it. Through a stroke of faith, the impatient warlord was contacted by a blindfolded  monk who offered to return the corpses back to their family. But in return, the warlord and his men must look away from their dead comrade during the monk’s ritual. 

While the warlord and his men agreed to these terms, they couldn’t hold back their urges to peak at this strange procedure . At first glance, they saw the deceased body of their brother to be chained up. Yet right afterward, the monk rings his bell twice as the deceased body soon comes back to life. Soon each one of those lifeless corpses were crawling towards the monk as if they were following him.

Shocked from what they were seeing, the warlord’s men would greet these reanimated corpses as if they were still alive.Unbeknownst to those soldiers, these corpses weren’t no longer the comrade they knew.

It wouldn’t take long for the blindfolded monk to notice the presence of the warlord’s men. Unable to conduct his ceremony and ritual in peace, the monk quickly lost control of these reanimated corpses. One by one, those corpses would begin to mutilate the warlord's men to death or turn them into a Kyonshi like themselves .

  By the end of the night, there were no survivors left but the monk himself. For failing his mission and for misusing the blessing he got from the heavens. The monk was cursed to become an immortal goblin, while being forced to wander around forests to forests warning travelers of these menaces.


  These ghoul looking beings are the result of  soldiers who have died far from their hometown. Unable to rest within a foreign land or cursed with a strong sense of bitterness, their soul would refuse to leave their body. This would result in the formation of a Kyonshi, either by a monk or through their own volition.

  It is often believed that if a Kyonshi roams the realm of the living for a long period of time, their original appearance would deteriorate into a demon. By that stage, only a monk with a divine blessing can eradicate it from the living realm.



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Great Post!


I can't wait to see what more comes from this and I can't wait to see what this new cultural perspective will bring to lotc!

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short and sweet, very nice


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