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[Shelf] It Never Stops

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It Never Stops



The man sat upon the ledge of his keep, watching the rain as it descended downwards to the earth. His cold arms embraced the chilled, damp stone, holding his frail body. He was a young man still, only in his late thirties, yet his body often felt older. Thomas Komnenos was not a bitter man, even if he had plenty to be angry at. Instead he was simply tired and lost, delving often into the recesses of his keep’s library.


The Library, a place he had built to surprise his wife during their 5 year anniversary. He could remember the shock on her face as the lift to the basement slowly lowered into the fresh smell of wood and leather. They had always wanted a library, a massive one in which they could spend all of their time. It was a good time, a simple time. Despite a civil war raging, then an international war, they kept their safety from it all. However, now, Thomas Komnenos simply watched as the gray skies held back the rays of light from falling. 


The Keep, a refuge first- then a home. There he and his wife had fought, laughed, and cried. It is where they spent a majority of their relationship, always caring for their children in the ways they could. But now… he was all that was left. The keep was far too empty, and the echoes resounding throughout the halls as he spoke to himself only enhanced the discomfort. Thomas Komnenos was a man beginning to be trapped in his own mind. 


The Mind. He was lost, he knew this now. It had been a brutal few years, a happy, bitter, painstaking few years. He had lost so much- too much. His mother had passed, shortly after his wife. Then the King and Queen he had served were slain, and the place where he had spent his time working fell. It was all so… hopeless. Thomas Komnenos often spoke to himself now, mumbling in paragraphs, overtaken by the constant, repetitive thoughts that flowed through his mind. “What could I have done differently? Why did this happen? Why wasn’t I there?” The words replayed in his head over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over…


The End. It was not his time to die, but it was not his time to live either. He was done, worn away by the constant rollercoastering of positives and negatives that seemed to consume his existence. He had made a life for himself, one that he was proud of. Yet there were things he knew he had done incorrectly. “I am sorry, Amandine.” He often said this. Thomas Komnenos knew he had failed his own children. 


Thomas Komnenos would stay here, should his children need him, within the walls of the empty keep.



What a ride. I wanted to say a quick thank you to @MapleSunflowerand @MailC3p for giving me a chance to play this character. Thomas was really supposed to be a basic character, just allowing myself to integrate with Oren and understanding how it worked and the roleplay niches there. But man, things can take a turn quickly. And luckily, it was all for the better. Thank you @Jtitfor keeping up with me, and I appreciate all the rp we got to do! I will still be playing Thomas upon request, and obviously, if any of my children wish to rp at the keep or at St. Lothar when it is finished, just hit me up. Thank you all. 


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