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The Kaphro Foundation


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An amateurish portrait of the young Anne Marie Novellen-Kaphro, dated SA 97




[!] Posters would be put up around Balian mentioning the following:


Balian. Beautiful Balian, a place where I wish to spend the rest of my life in harmony and peace. And yet, can we really claim that our country is the greatest when we still have citizens existing in subpar living conditions - some at the brink of famine? Who can look into the eyes of a homeless child without feeling any sympathy? We as a nation seek greatness, and we as the people of Balian must make a genuine effort to achieve this greatness.
City-life has always been a foreign concept to me, primarily due to my upbringing which alienated me from much of society. Despite recently making the decision to reintegrate myself back into society, there’s still much that I fail to comprehend; one such thing is how we enable and allow for so much unnecessary suffering to transpire within our community. While Balian is undoubtedly a noble nation with great respect for its people, constantly crusading for the rights of its citizens, there’s one specific faction of society who is unjustly overlooked: The poor.
Balian is surely the most developed nation in respect to culture and people's rights; I'm grateful to have the privilege of residing somewhere which values the humanity of its population so greatly - in no ways am I criticizing our glorious nation; but, still, all too often people are left to deal with their misfortune by themselves without any assistance. No longer can I, in good conscience, allow the less fortunate to struggle while others sit in idle indifference; I wish to make an effort to assist in every way I can and bring awareness to their plight.
I spent the near-entirety of my life traveling across the world alongside my grandfather before settling within Balian. While away at sea both my father and grandfather passed; not only that, but the patriarch of the Novellen-Kaphro family passed, too. Willed to me was a hefty inheritance in addition to the titular County of Kaphro; a title that was given to my great-grandfather Prince Peter Maximillian by Joseph II, Emperor of Oren. But what use do I have for such money? What benefit will it provide if I hoard it all to myself? I wish not to allow greed to corrupt me.
As such, I will be using the entirety of my inheritance to fund the Kaphro Foundation, a charitable organization which will dedicate itself to ensuring that all of Balian’s people are void of struggles, especially those who are disadvantaged. My charity will not be bogged down by the weight of governmental bureaucracy for it will be privately operated, and, thus, able to efficiently focus all of its attention on the social needs of Balian's less fortunate citizens.
The Kaphro Foundation's first major project will be developing a beautiful non-profit public housing facility which will quarter those who are unable to afford traditional housing arrangements. I will be taking the steps necessary to make this idea happen within this year. Additionally, I will be running for Senate which, if elected, will allow me to more efficiently execute these kinds of plans.


Thank you all for making Balian a beautiful place,
Anne Marie Novellen-Kaphro, founder of the Kaphro Foundation and Candidate for the Balian Senate


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Dona Johanne Vuiller had no problem with the idea in particular but she arched a blonde brow as she took in the Rosa Lane district, entirely free of downpayment and taxes alike which acts as this very thing mentioned! Nonetheless, she looks forward to see how this may play out.

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