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The Third Trial


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The Ash-Knight set the Wardren to his side, looking upon the lit two flames within - as was his nightly ritual.

It was curious. He knew not how he had completed the first trial, and the second trial had been completed for him by another. . .Yet, the third would have to be completed by him, and him alone.


But.. he could not forget B, surely. He constituted such an incredibly influential role in his life, as important as the An-Gho.. if not more so. To forget him was impossible.


So what did the An-Gho mean?


It was to that point that he came very night - and stopped every night. What did B represent within him? What did it constitute? What did it mean? Nothing was predetermined, all fluid, reality unique - so what was common about Bezaleel? What pattern did he follow?

And, suddenly - it came to him.




It was all so clear. The An-Gho himself had parlayed with B, battled with him; yet he had asked him to forget B - for without a mortal to latch upon, B was nothing within Almaris. He had been a fool. Damnation was Karkosa - and to damn that wretched being to that place, the Ash-Knight needed only forget him. His fate was clear.


B would be damned, and The Ash-Knight of Tor-Azdroth would sleep the Stone Sleep.



The culmination of months worth of roleplay. Thank you @Jentosfor being such an incredible person to roleplay with - I'm excited for what comes next, even if I'll have to do it without you, mate.


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Remon's wardren, circular, old - worn, etched with a hundred lines of draconic text, slowly illuminated. The text on its surface burned with a new passion, waxed with a new ambition. A hope. A dream. A belief. All held within the palm of his hands. 


After such tribulation, whether man, child, woman - it would be a crime, not to cry. 


Because the stone certainly did. 


It wept. 

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2 minutes ago, Jentos said:

Remon's wardren, circular, old - worn, etched with a hundred lines of draconic text, slowly illuminated. The text on its surface burned with a new passion, waxed with a new ambition. A hope. A dream. A belief. All held within the palm of his hands. 


After such tribulation, whether man, child, woman - it would be a crime, not to cry. 


Because the stone certainly did. 


It wept. 



Hey dude, u cant be emoting, ur banned rn so no rp please


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