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Lanre Cerusil would never feel the need to defend himself. However, his [skygod] gratifies him and indicates that he does not partake in bathhouse celebrations. Were they weird? Perhaps they were. Nevertheless, uniquely poised, Lanre Cerusil prepares himself. Seeing this indication of questionable [IC] intent, Lanre prepares his [CRP minmax] and those of his allies, his students. He prepares himself to fight [powergaming] orcs and prepares intensively to [powergame] himself - he knows, assuredly, that [moderators] will be involved in this conflict and that whatever spawns from this will inevitably siphon a great amount of meaningless hours from people's lives and result in at least four [ban reports], whilst resulting in no good [roleplay] or any meaningful resolution to the conflict, except for a few people celebrating in [discord] that they caved a mage's head in with a hammer, after spending seven hours getting spells [powergamed] at them. Thus, he prays for the lives of the offenders, hoping that they find meaningful hobbies and cohesion in their [roleplay] soon.

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“Trust me, I’m no happier about Hohkmat’s degenerate parties than you are. The amount of political blunders I’ve already had to drag Hohkmat out of is alarming.” Valindra huffed, raising her hands in exasperation. 

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"I'm not particularly happy about it all either, so I didn't bother going." Sulieronn rubbed his jaw a bit in thought. "But... how would the orc know what happened? Maybe they participated and are mad they didn't proper recognition at the gala."

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"Death to the degenerates!" An elderly woman cawed, waving a fist in the air. " ... 'cept Lurin. I got on Mika's arse about bathhouses last continent . . . We go' nun'," she mumbled to herself. 


"Hokhmat are the clowns. That's what they get for tryna' act so high and mighty. Elven filfth." 

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(ooc: Socks stay on during bath night.)



Little Foot the goblin would read over the declaration, envisioning the horrors of seeing pale sickly elves even more barely dressed than per usual somehow? as she scratched her tusks. "Little Foot thinks this how long ears gives us traumas, not good very icky." she said.

Edited by Smmer
so i dont get a forum warning for inadequate rp.
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A very EVIL Orc, overlord of darkness, destroyer of worlds, prepares to dump copious amounts of red oil into a void mage bath house...

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Raziel Amethil, sitting on his small boat threw out his fishing road; quickly a fish took the bait. A large smile appeared on his face. How these fish keep falling for it!

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Daleka gets very upset she can't participate of the bath parties ever again. Not if other people know, at least. Now she's hosting public bath parties for one person at a time inside his house.

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3 hours ago, Jihnyny said:

If one wishes to bathe, do so within your own home. If one wishes to do acts unspoken of, do so within reach of the SkyGods, not us common folk. If one wishes to challenge this claim and order, you may duel me.



said the solaric princess in tandemonious shout, her sky god +1 this

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2 hours ago, Jihnyny said:

They hold bathhouse parties where naked elves roam and encourage acts that should not be spoken of. 

Zelphar Kervallen Kagura reading the missive and is baffled by their mentions. He then says "As a Centurion Guard in Lurin, I have never in my time in Lurin, seen a single bath party held. This would also be an act which goes against Lurin law running in public naked. If I were to see such acts, I would enforce law and order onto them. But it is also a criminal to spread false rumors of this happening in Lurin, I will admit myself hearing of this bath house party in Petra last Elven Day, and I was even disgusted by the thought of it myself and I am an elf. Though I wish you good luck in stoppping those from holding these nasty parties." He'd place the missive onto a wooden table and throws a knife through the missive keeping it on his notice table of papers

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On 10/29/2023 at 12:30 PM, Snow1770 said:

Princess Lumia rolled her eyes before tossing the paper into the canal and carrying on about her day.


Willem the Wise erupts from the waters like a dolphin. "I AM NOT YOUR TRASHBIN!" He declared, throwing the soggy missive back at her before diving back into the canal.

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"i can not seem to figure out if this might be a joke? a bath house? in Lurin? my, ive been here for centuries now and not once have seen one of these so called bath house here" Karuna Amal hummed while rocking back and fouth in a rocking chair and would set the paper down "but this does remind me to get back to my duty so i shall give them that, time to go hunting"

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