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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Nusti75] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Gore, Cannibalism (Screenshots result in pictures of minecrafts main loading screen)


What circumstances led to this ban?


I was part of a necromantic and bloodmagic community, as Nimrod/Vamir I was known as the "hunter" of the settlement: I used to hunt lone people to give their bodies to necromancers. One of these times I decided to make some tools out of the bones, now even though I had permission from the involved parties, I turned out to have crossed the line LOTC has for gore and such. Now I have been banned for this, I know where the line is drawn, and I know I should stick with how far magic lore goes, for that is usually the line, thus I know when to stop the gore and make sure it doesn't go further.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I agree with the fact I went too far on the gore, looking back at it, this was too detailed and I took too much out of the rp in general, I know I need to turn this down.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I've spent a long time, at least 3/4th of a year on LOTC, and I have many friends within the community. I've made LOTC part of my daily life out of work and school, and I'd hate to give this up. Another reason is because the lore and coding is really good, I've tried a lot of servers but LOTC was the first one to truly stand out with detailed lore and fantastic command- and chat implements in the game itself.


Attach other relevant information.



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