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Greetings in Gold





Within the wilds of the realm, near heartlands and haunted human lands, a shrine of bone and ruined stone rested. Acting as a place of communion for the lost, and curious. Rumors on the wind, from ghosts to ghouls, whispered an offer to the curious and crude. A hymn, acting as a gilded offer, for those who wished to refine their very crafts and skills. 


Wanderers far and wide all seek something


Some desire riches, more than they will use in their single lifetime


Some seek power, yet lack a vessel worthy of claiming such


While others seek knowledge, that which even the wise warn against. 


So, why not claim it all? Strike a deal, make a bargain, trade with the greatest traders of them all

After all, coin is just as valuable as a corpse.


Hello! Rarely do we do this, however with me gaining Lichdom and gaining a chance to make these sorts of places, it was only right to place one down and give the players the chance to get involved. The Murkwater Merchant Company is a group , who rather than being just purely zealous religious individuals, focus upon more of a mercantile and artisan mindset. Viewing their crafts and themselves, as works of art, constantly aiming to refine and grow as an actual artisan might wish to improve and grow their craft.  


I won’t say off the bat that ‘by joining this community, there is no guarantee you get a CA or MA’ because frankly that’s not the truth. You prove yourself, and work with the community, your chances of getting an MA, FA, or CA will grow. I encourage all who wish to get involved with the events we are doing, and the plots we are enacting, to reach out to us. Try to rp, see if it fits with the vibe of your character. If not, all good. If so, also great!


If you find the shrine, msg me in game at ImthatLich or on discord at SilvertheDM, if I’m unable to be reached.  msg xoluvvy, Meteor_Dragon or Buhru with any additional questions and queries. 


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