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Posted (edited)







Issued by the


On this 5th of Lothar's Gift, Year 110





The Kingdom of Balian has been experiencing a surge in attacks by malevolent and supernatural entities, necessitating the issuance of this comprehensive travel advisory to safeguard our citizens and visitors. Recent reports have detailed a concerning rise in assaults by creatures such as darkspawn, and Azdrazi. The origins of this increase remain shrouded in mystery, yet our commitment to the safety and well-being of our populace remains unwavering. These vile entities have been indiscriminate in their targeting of the populace, thus all are advised to remain vigilant. The severity of these incidents has prompted immediate action to ensure that our communities remain vigilant and well-prepared.


In response to these threats, the Office of the Legate has issued a set of guidelines and recommendations aimed at enhancing the safety and security of all individuals within the borders of Balian. This advisory extends to domestic and foreign travel, urging everyone to take necessary precautions to avoid harm. The following measures are designed to mitigate risks and provide essential protection against the malevolent forces that seek to disrupt our peace. Residents are advised to carry aurum weapons, avoid isolated areas, and report any suspicious activities to the appropriate authorities without delay. Additionally, increased patrols by the Royal military will focus on less trafficked areas to ensure rapid response to any incidents.


Moreover, for those traveling beyond our borders, it is crucial to remain informed about local laws and customs, travel in groups, and know the locations of Balian embassies or ambassadors in foreign lands. By adhering to these guidelines, both residents and travelers can contribute to the collective security and resilience of our kingdom. The Office of the Legate remains committed to working tirelessly to protect our people and uphold the integrity of our nation in these challenging times. May Gott protect and preserve us all.



  • Supervision of Children:
    • Children are not permitted to travel outside the city walls without the accompaniment of a soldier or knight. Parents and guardians must remain vigilant at all times to ensure the safety of their children.
  • Aurum Weaponry:
    • Residents and travelers within Balian are strongly advised to carry an aurum weapon. These weapons are particularly effective against dark entities and can provide essential protection.
  • Travel Precautions:
    • Avoid traversing dimly lit or isolated areas alone. It is safer to travel in groups and remain in well-lit, populated areas. Always carry a lit torch or lantern to deter nocturnal threats.
  • Reporting Suspicious Activity:
    • Report any suspicious behavior to an officer, soldier of the Kingdom's military or a high ranking members of Balian. Do not confront suspicious individuals on your own, as they may pose significant danger to both mental and physical health.
  • Increased Patrols:
    • Soldiers of the Regiment of St. Lothar will increase patrols in less trafficked parts of the city and surrounding areas. Their presence aims to deter potential threats and respond swiftly to any incidents.



As threats may extend beyond our borders, the following precautions are advised for Balian citizens traveling abroad:

  • Travel in Groups:
    • Always travel with companions to ensure mutual safety and support.
  • Equip Properly:
    • Carry weapons, particularly those made of aurum, and adequate illumination devices such as torches or lanterns.
  • Stay Informed:
    • Keep abreast of the latest advisories and reports from the Office of the Legate regarding safe and unsafe travel routes and regions.
  • Local Laws and Customs:
    • Respect and adhere to the laws and customs of the regions you visit. Cooperation with local authorities can provide additional safety and assistance.
  • Emergency Contacts:
    • Know the locations of Balian embassies or ambassadors in foreign lands, and have emergency contact readily available.



Be observant of individuals exhibiting the following suspicious characteristics:

  • Suspicion
    • Individuals who speak suspiciously, those who attempt to lure into areas with minimal sighting, those who act nervous or oddly around guards and light.
  • Physical Appearance:
    • Individuals who appear gaunt, sickly, or have discolored fingernails, eyes, or skin.
  • Cloaked Figures:
    • Individuals who are tall, cloaked, and conceal their faces.
  • Unnatural Features:
    • Individuals with horns or other strange appendages.




S I G N E D,


His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch

Vice-Amiratus of Balian, Royal-Legate of Balian, Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.

Edited by __Stal27
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11 minutes ago, __Stal27 said:

Children are not permitted to travel outside the city walls without the accompaniment of a soldier or knight.

"This feels like the war all over again," commented the Legate's sister with a frown, "I can only pray it does not last too long. I do not wish to raise any children in the same, locked down conditions."

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Posted (edited)

Dhen Ma’al walked through the allies of Balian keeping vigilant, its large two handed blade drawn as it checked the dark corners of the city “You feed on the weaker ones. Come on out and meet one who stands equal to your own strength. Let me gnaw on your bones and engorge on your detestable bodies.”

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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The pale and horned holy templar was surprised by such notice! She started to wonder if she was a dark creature herself. "THANA! FETCH ME SOME SALT! I AM AN EVIL DARK HAG NOW!" She screamed for her cursed naztherak pupil.  They needed to deal with this right now! @Heart_Spam

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4 hours ago, __Stal27 said:

Recent reports have detailed a concerning rise in assaults by creatures such as darkspawn, and Azdrazi. The origins of this increase remain shrouded in mystery,

The An-Gho wonders if Balian declaring war on Azdrazi may be at the cause of this very mysterious increase in (a yet lacking) Azdrazi presence in Balian's territory. Truly, this was a question for the ages.

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Ardromiath squinted as he looked through the missive, paper slipping through each of his fingers. "Did an automaton write this?"





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A tiny 3'8 girl pressed her hands to her gaunt, sickly and pallid face "Humpf, I suppose I'm evil now"

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A pale, gaunt, tall elfess wearing a long black coat read over the missive.

"Aghhhhh, I really need to start taking vitamins!"

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