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Alej's Hunt! - Player Event

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[!] Posted about the Sovereign State of Hyspia, are papers advertising an event!




¡Buenos días, Hyspia!
My name, is Alejandro Flores, owner and founder of A.F Industries, Hyspia's number 1 pharmaceutical manufacturer!

I have a challenge, for any of those interested in proving their might.


A hunt!


A hunt for an elusive creature, one of fear and ferociousness. The bane of desert travelers..

The Uguldana.



Found only in the dry expanse of the desert, this beastly bug hides deep under the sand, awaiting the vibrations of passing travelers. Once sensed, the uguldana will emerge, attacking all in sight in order to feed.

The specific uguldana I send you after, is one I have quite the history with.. While traveling to Hyspia for the first time, I had a hectic encounter with one of these creatures, it must have been at least 10 ft in size, with a red pattern upon it’s back.


If any could find this beast, and bring me it’s head, I will reward you with a trophy made from it’s remains!


Tuesday 21st May

We will be meeting in the Hyspia square at the above time, then setting off afterwards!






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