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DECREE OF EMPLOYMENT - Fiefdom of Garenbrig

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Heralds travel from the hills and cliffs of Garenbrig, spreading news that various duties and workers are in demand, to serve the town of Garenbrig, House Glennmaer, and the Kingdom of Númendil. With its recent expansion of numerous townhouses and farm cottages, businesses and farmland, the House may offer a great many jobs for the size to which it has grown. Any and all are welcome, so long as they fit the descriptions of the work. House Glennmaer bolsters an experienced group of leaders, so any workers employed may expect generous guidance, a yearly salary (saint’s week), hospitality and gratification for their quality efforts, along with medicinal care on behalf of Lord Glyndwr and any other Glennmaer Alchemists.

The opportunities offered are as follows:






Farmers are expected to know their general way about the Garenbrig farmland, and how to keep them maintained. This entails harvesting products of the farm, tilling and planting the fields with seed, and sorting the harvested materials. There are currently [ 3 ] Farmhand positions open, though any wishing to live as such in Garenbrig, with no vacancies open,  may request a new Farm Cottage be built, which is most likely to be accepted.


Farm Hands receive the following payment & luxuries:

I. A Farm cottage, with the farmer’s field at the doorstep (or close to it).

II. Reduced taxes in exchange for Hay Bales.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.







House Glennmaer is a Militant house, having gained their position and lands through serving Númendil and its predecessor, Barrowton, as seasoned soldiers and Knights. Glennmaer Guardsmen are expected to be disciplined, well-trained, and fearless. Where many men make enemies of other descendants, or likewise, house Glennmaer has only ever called the servants of the Dark, and their conspirators enemies. There is no room for cowardice. However, a guard should be temperate, and entirely professional, refraining from wanton cruelty or aggression where possible. Their duties while employed under the Fiefdom of Garenbrig are to patrol its lands, be present at house meetings or functions, and be at the family’s disposal when house members venture on outings. This position has No Limit.


Guardsmen, Archers and other Soldiery receive the following payment & luxuries:

I. A yearly salary of 20 minas.

II. Bonus payments of 10 minas per event, or special escort attended.

III. Armour and weapons, provided so one’s job can be performed adequately. (PVP Gear and food, including RP weapons, and armor skins.)

IV. Free housing within the Barracks or keep, should no housing be available in the town.


Squires receive the following:

I. All the benefits listed above for Soldiery.

II. Training in the ways of the Knight, including:

Weapon Use & Maintenance

Armor Use & Maintenance



Education of the Holy Scrolls

Education of the Code of Chivalry


Education of Oaths and their Importance

Horse Care & Advanced Riding Education

III. Knighthood, on successfully completing their training and showing exceptional prowess.







An Apothecary, and their physicians, are expected to have knowledge on the use of Herbs, Alchemicals, or other materials of which they can make use of to treat those with injuries, illnesses, or other afflictions. The Apothecary must be a trained Alchemist with at least eight saint’s weeks of experience. Physicians need not know Alchemy at all, though  should have knowledge of medical practice, such as surgery, balancing humors, and herbal remedies.


Physicians will receive the following benefits:

I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary.

II. Free food every Saint’s week.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military. (Providing the Physician is also an Alchemist).

V. If interested, a role within the Guard as a Combat Physician, qualifying for all Guard benefits.


The Apothecary will receive the following benefits:

I. A designated Townhouse, with room for a free basement extension, and a ground-floor Shop space.

II. Standard Townhouse tax, with no upcharge for business space.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

IV. Free herbs, with excess, when taking requests from the Garenbrig military.

V. A position within Garenbrig’s council.

VI. All of the above benefits listed for Physicians.







The Garenbrig Fool, or otherwise designated Jape-Master, should be funny, preferably. Knowing the limits as to when, what, and how to jest, in terms of the Númenedain Law and Scroll of Virtue. This position is mainly aimed towards those who can entertain House Children, Wards, or other young persons, though may also take on duties as a TOWN CRIER, delivering any important news, at their discretion, thus needing to be someone who can read the contents of Aevos missives.


The Garenbrig Funny-Person will receive the following:

I. Access to the Castle hall and Infirmary.

II. Free food every Saint’s week.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

IV. A place within the Council. This benefit is not an opportunity for jokes, japes, or tricks. This is an advisory position aimed towards making sure good relations are kept through manners, friendliness, and reduced outwards adversity. Also, to make sure that things aren’t taken too seriously. 

V. Free housing within the Castle of Formindon.


There have been far too many funny darkspawn in Númendil.







Barkeeps are expected to know good manners, be able to hold basic conversations, be friendly, and to be open to learning the systems of serving drinks.


The Garenbrig Barkeeps will receive the following benefits:

I. One free drink per saint’s day.

II. Free food every Saint’s week.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

IV. 33% cut off all drink sales, using the automatic cellar system of Gnomish design.

The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals is expected to carry out all duties of the Barkeep, however they must also manage the Inn Rooms, source stock, and manage any festivities within Garenbrig. Initiative should be taken to formulate ideas for festivities and proposed to the Garenbrig Council


The Innkeeper or Master of Festivals will receive: 

I. All benefits listed above for Barkeeps.

II. A Free room in the Tavern, or Castle, whichever is preferred. May also dig out a large basement chamber for themselves, should they wish, under the tavern. 

III. A Position within the Council of Garenbrig, along with access to the Castle Hall and Cellar.







The Brewer of Garenbrig is expected to know how to brew beverages, specifically Mead, Whiskey, Ale, and their derivatives. Any other beverages are accepted also, though these drinks are required.


The Garenbrig Brewer will receive:

I. Free Housing in the Garenrbig Brewery, along with sole management of the building.

II. Free food every Saint’s week.

III. Free tools upon request, made of the sturdiest materials possible.

IV. One mina per bottle produced upon request. These drinks will be sold for a low price in the tavern, ensuring barkeeps can receive pay for service, and any further profit goes towards the upkeep of the tavern and town.

V. A beekeeping yard, of which the Brewer may use to whatever end they fancy, as long as they are able to produce Mead for the tavern from gathered Honey.

VI. Freedom to employ other brewers, limited to two.




To apply for any of the above positions, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon or Princess Eriantiel of Númenost. Or fill out an application or stop by Garenbrig. All positions will come with training unless said otherwise. 

Application Form:


Lord Glyndwr: Pepto_Bismol_

Princess Eriantiel: beetleco / worldeltaii


Application Form

Character Name:
Minecraft Name:
Position Applying For: 



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Alteon grabbed a stack of the missive and began to hand it out to everyone he meets!

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"This is but a good sight. The more the merrier in an already flourishing fief." stated Haraldr upon riding by and taking note of the decree.

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