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The Hunt for Hunters - Court Positions

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The Hunt for Hunters

The Master of the Hunt and his Employ


La Corte de Girasol
The 10th day of Javier’s Justice, 104D.R.


With my recent hiring as Master of the Hunt, I, Alejandro Flores, seek to hire those willing to put in the work and effort to care for wild game as well as host hunts for the peoples of Hyspia.


Maestro de la Caza

Master of the Hunts

[!] An artist’s representation of Alejandro Flores, the Maestro de la Caza.

As the Master of Hunts I am tasked with overseeing all aspects of hunting activities within Hyspia. This role requires a deep knowledge of wildlife, hunting techniques, and land management, ensuring that hunts are conducted safely, ethically, and successfully. My job is one of responsibility, as I am responsible for planning, organizing, and leading hunts, as well as maintaining the health and population of game animals within our lands.


Head of Flora

The head of flora is responsible for caring for all plants and ecosystems our wild and captive game may reside in. As for without their homes and food, there is nothing for us to hunt.


Head of the Wilds

The Head of Fauna is responsible for overseeing the upkeep of our wild game, keeping track of their movements and migrations, as well as caring for any captive game we may hold.


Head of Equipment

The Head of Care is responsible for looking after any hunting equipment, horses, and attire used when on hunts. They shall dispense suitable weapons for the occasion, and maintain their upkeep after use.



Send a letter to Alejandro Flores (Josiphobic) via aviary to inquire about applying.







HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia,

Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, etcetera.


His Excellency, Alejandro Flores,

 Maestro de la Caza


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