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Bound By Vows | WEDDING OF 1978

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It is with immense joy that we share the news of the upcoming union between Jan Aleksander, the esteemed heir to the County of Warsovia, and Catherine de Lewes. Their deeply profound courtship, which has gracefully unfolded over nearly three years, has culminated in the decision to intertwine their lives in the sacred bonds of matrimony. 

The County of Warsovia is honoured to stand witness to this holy matrimony and hopes that Canonists and allies will join in celebrating the couple’s commitment. 



The happy couple will exchange vows in the Chapel of Our Lady of Paradisius, with the esteemed Bishop St. Godwin presiding over the ceremony. 



Following the nuptials, attendees of the wedding are all invited to the Seat of House Jazlowiecki, Nowa Warsovia, where they can enjoy each other's company, feast, and celebrate the joyous occasion.



The Royal House of Alstion

The Royal House of Temesch of the Petra

The Comital House of Jazlowiecki 

The House of Ashford de Lewes



Johannes von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather, and his noble pedigree

Siegmund von Reuss, Margrave of Velen, and his noble pedigree

Emilio Varoche, Count of Ves, and his noble pedigree

Olympe-Regina, Baroness of Rosius, and her noble pedigree

Citizens of Whitespire



Aurel von Theonus, Duke of Vohenhiem, and his noble pedigree

Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, Counts of Anairgrid, and their noble pedigree

Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten, and his noble pedigree

Aimo Astor, Baron of Fir’steinn, and his noble pedigree

Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Feldkirch, and her noble pedigree

Citizens of Vallagne



The Legion of Saint Godwin


Jean Renault de Lewes

Isabeau-Karine de Rosius 

George Halcourt

Jean Bishop St. Godwin

Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa

Boleslaw Jaramy




Chapel of Lady Paradisius ,Whitespire, Aaun

Sunday 3:30 PM EST





His Lordship, Jan Aleksander Jazlowiecki,

Baron of Krakovia


Miss Catherine de Lewes


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Charlie smiled as he received an invitation to Jan and Catherine's wedding "Time flies. We better prepare something nice for them, they are our close friends after all." The Crown Prince said to his wife, Hedwig of Warsovia




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The officiating Bishop, Father Jean, was known to sorely despise weddings, and had begun his mental preparations for the event well in advance. However, once the occasion was formally announced and the Bishop reviewed the list of invitees, a particular name caught his eye. To know now that the esteemed Lord Jaramy, Colonel of the Lechians, could grace the wedding with his presence was reason enough for Jean to forget about his reservations.


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Sorrel shakes his head. Certainly this woman Catherine, one who was so obsessed with him, was not to marry a man he'd never heard of... He went home to Vissengren to ask his mother's advice.

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20 minutes ago, tilly said:

Sorrel shakes his head. Certainly this woman Catherine, one who was so obsessed with him, was not to marry a man he'd never heard of... He went home to Vissengren to ask his mother's advice.


Said mother, Calla von Theonus, smacked her son on the back of his head once he told her of his predicament.


"Make up your mind and marry someone already! And not one that's already getting married! Now eat a cookie, dear."

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"I love weddings."

John of Aaun said. Happy to hear his former ward Catherine had found a match. Then thereafter turning to a courtier with a raised brow.

"Who is Colonel Jaramy?"

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Ser Alteon of Garenbrig PATIENTLY awaits a personal invitation from Catherine! "After helping her get promoted and all!" he crossed his arms.

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