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Edict of Military Emergency

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Mandated by the Obsidian Throne




As of the 9th of Dungrimm’s Call, it is ordered that the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall undergo a state of military emergency, to ensure the safety of the Khazadmar in response to the Darkstalker threat. 


  • All abled-bodied Dwarves over the age of 18 are summoned to enlist within the Legion as Grunts; report to your nearest officer for information. New recruits will be granted rations, equipment and legion bunks.  


  • Yrromar are also encouraged to enlist within the Legion as auxiliaries to help defend the lands of Urguan against threats that imperil them. 


  • A curfew is ordered: Dwarves in the workforce or otherwise undergoing private enterprise are advised not to leave the capital without sufficient military escort. It is also advised that every dwarf arms themselves with aurum or blunt force weaponry to defend themselves. 


  • The forest Dwarves of Hefrumm are likewise advised to remain in their village until the roads are safe.


  • Legion Patrols will occur regularly to clear the roads of Darkstalkers threatening the safety of the Khazadmar. The gates will likewise be under double guard. 






Thurgrim Silverbraid

Grand King of Urguan, Clan Lord of the Silverbraids


Grand Marshal of the Legion

Gallio Grandaxe, 

Tribune of the Legion

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12 minutes ago, Papa Rock said:


“Oi laddeh.”

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