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Deeper into the Depths of Vortice...


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[!] Notices were tacked up on the boards of Vikela, Lurin, Vortice, Dunfarthing and Amathine, though surely more had spread across the continent of Aevos.



The Vortician Council is looking to put together a team of spelunkers for the next expedition into the depths of Vortice. If you are interested in exploring the underground of Talon's Roost, and the possibility of finding treasure and making ecological discoveries to document and profit off of, please meet in the capital during the month of Malin's Welcome. Gear, including rope, lanterns, and packed medical kits will be provided. It is recommended you bring respirators or masks, heavy padded clothing, and something to defend yourself with, as we are facing the unknown with this descent.



OOCLY: I know it's last minute, but we are holding an ST event in the caves of Vortice tomorrow, May 30th, 2024 at 5pm EST!! Mayrndz is the ST hosting this ST event for us, so come show her some love and see our caves that we worked so hard on during pre-launch build!


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