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[Your View] Armament Techlock

Armament Techlock  

269 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Plate Armor Require a Change?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3
  2. 2. Do Ranged Weapons Require a Change?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3
  3. 3. Is The Problem Actually Real?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3

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i don't think the problem is real, but the only way to make people want to use anything but plate-- because plate is the best of the best-- would be a movement change imo. (i know it's not a topic to be discussed just the only way i could see it being changed if thats what you want to do)


it just doesn't make sense to use anything but plate if i only place myself at a disadvantage using anything else.

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Don't do what Helldivers does. Don't nerf plate armour, just buff ranged weapons.

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hmm yes add guns


In reality though, a few more plate armor piercing options available to both the various magics AND ranged weapons available to the common man might make plate less OP


As it stands, the only weapon capable of piercing plate is the arbalest, which requires 5 emotes, which means you can only really use it if whoever you're shooting can neither get to you or get away, at which point, u could just throw rocks at them until they die.
I know the crank crossbow says it can pierce thinner plate armor but i'm really strong so i don't wear any thin plate tehee!! If the 4 emote crank crossbow.

Also, I often see people try to gaslight ranged weapon users into rolling to see if they don't miss outright... Stop that, they didn't spend 3 emotes to just miss cus they had an unlucky roll. You don't ask someone swinging an axe at you to see if they just miss either. (Also looking at you, event team members who really like to embarass players by having them miss the broad side of a barn with a silly little roll)


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Currently, a rock is a more effective ranged weapon than a longbow. For the love of god fix ranged weapons. 

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just use maces bro they counter plate armour (smash their skull in) stop using swords 100% of the time like sheep


also i think ranged weapons need a buff HOWEVER we would have to be careful because this could just lead to power creep (buff ranged weapons and mages start crying, 'why would i use magic when i can just use a bow' which results in them getting buffed etc etc)

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Again, the people's voice is unheard.

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Mfw magic stacking and widespread dissemination of alchemy and crp magics have created a meta in CRP that outclasses everything

lol you did it to yourself

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me when i cant powergame a bullet breaching plate armor, win the crp, and be crowned lord of the craft for my amazing efforts

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Call me stupid or r word (to respect those who don’t like that word)


the way i see it, tech-lock has disallowed many types of things that in the theme of LOTC wouldn’t make sense. However there has been many arguments that LOTC has moved away from its ORIGINAL theme. 


For how I seen plate armor used, there is to my knowledge NO definitive definition to how plate armor is effective with ranged artillery(such as arrows or bolts or even darts.) however most believe anything larger than a javelin will penetrate the shiny top quality dwarven armor that  your mother made for you.


For how can one truly solve this issue, maybe define how plate works against ranged weapons?



(Curse phone formatting and auto correct)


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16 minutes ago, Islamadon said:

1. No Guns

- The Administration does not want them.

this will not be forgiven

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