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[Your View] Armament Techlock

Armament Techlock  

269 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Plate Armor Require a Change?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3
  2. 2. Do Ranged Weapons Require a Change?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3
  3. 3. Is The Problem Actually Real?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe Idk :3

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Posted (edited)

Give Plate armor durability like the Automatons have. That's a fix right there.


Adding durability enhancing effects to the armor would increase the durability number (alchemy adding +1 or 1.5x to the durability and earth rune doubling the durability)


Plate armor is widely used because it's the easiest way to emote taking a hit without getting hurt. Since armor has no durability on it, it breaks whenever the player wants it to break which can be close to never.

Edited by Papa Rock
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Yeah just do what @Papa Rocksaid, give em hits like automatons (as armor should probably already have? Just being infinitely usable is dumb)


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Take this suggestion with a pinch of salt, but perhaps we should make the first emote when it comes to ranged combat such as bows and etc only need to be done once, for instance

Emote 1: Takes out bow,

Emote 2: loads arrow

Emote 3: shoot

Emote 4: reload arrow

Emote 5: shoot

Emote 6: reload arrow

Emote 7: shoot

(Any more arrows shoot and the arm will go numb, unless on a 3 emote cooldown)

WARNING, this is just from the back of my head, this can be improved, if even considered

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I feel like often it is forgotten that plate armor is not only giving you benefits and is used like it is mere protective clothing in Crp.


- People seem to forget how much such a plate actually weights, evading with it or doing quick movements is rather exhausting even with training in my opinion. As well it is restricting your movents, as even leather armor does that to that to a certain extend.


- Lighter armour types seem often useless to wear, as their seems to be no benefit from being quicker in a crp. People are arguing about evadeing and attacking (1 emote), all the time. If you are not allowed to do that, you would be constanly forced to block or evade, while the attacking party continues to do so. Maybe I'm not well versed enough in CRP rules, but I keep hearing about complaints a lot.


- Yes, people will cry but so do they everytime. (I play mage myself and am already annoyed by the plate armor default.)


- Also for me as a non crp nerd, ranged weapons seem a little underwhelming. They take a long time to charge (3 Emotes), longer than a sandblast (2 Emotes: Connection -> Cast, also the redlines stazing you can only brace yourself in the emote before the casting emote, which makes it nearly impossible unless the mage gives you a hint) that will be shot at you and blinding so you can't even be using your bow for up to Emotes afterwards. Effectively it takes as long as a potion, though potions seem to be having more impact than a bow. The only thing that might differ is the range you yan shoot at, as bottles normally should have a shorter throwing range than a bows range.

Also concerning the use of bows, I think I've seen them never be used outside of ST or Player Events. My guess would be in the time you are finished charging your bow, your enemy stands right in your face as they were allowed to 'run' in plate armor towards your for 24 Blocks (3 Emotes of pure movement), or ride 36 (on horse). And your arrow is doing little to nothing against the enemy in plate. 



(Again I repeat I am no CRP nerd and did not look up every rule right now, though this is an observation I've made during the few fights and Events I made during my relatively little time of roughly a year now.)




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Someone raised a good point: Perhaps if you want plate armor, you need to buy a token with mina, then Iraq, and make the token expensive, meaning 1k mina or perhaps more. Then, you make an item, put it in a chest, and seek to have it signed.


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But in all seriousness, please fix goddamn ranged weapons my Rangers are suffering.


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I haven't had a chance to read through all comments yet but I do want to raise an interesting point about bow emotes.


The most common response is that it would create an imbalance with magic, whereby mages who take 3 turns to cast are now at a distinct disadvantage against 2 turn archers.


This is true, but only in the specific context of a straightforward firing match - and I think it's a mistake to limit an assessment of the current rules to this scenario alone.


It needs to be noted that mages - due to the way the current slot system is set up - frequently have access to a wide variety of magics. Because of the magic culture, any assessment of magic balance also has to consider what OTHER magics players can access and the utility they provide.


With that in mind, I don't think it's at all unreasonable that an archer maintains a niche advantage in one particular situation given the vast amount of other utilities a magic user (or CA race!) might have, from teleportation, to necro/inferi NPCs, to physical buffs. It's also worth noting magical projectiles themselves are nearly always better than normal arrows (earth Evo can do blunt damage, fire Evo can ignore etc).


Obviously, the problem here is that 2 emote bows would effectively encourage more magic stacking to avail of those other utilities if they lose equal footing in some ranged fights, and that's not what you want to see either.


This is less of a suggestion and more of an observation; there's not a clean solution because of the above. I would much rather see the ST address the minmax magic culture (limit slots; your character doesn't need 3-5 magics), which is compounded by the prevalence of alchemy, ST materials, etc.


None of these are bad things on their own and magic SHOULD be accessible, but I just think the server would benefit massively if we tried to limit the amount of magic (including CA) one character can access. 


To bring it back to bows, though, yes - I don't think it's unreasonable for archers to have an advantage in a specific situation, given the other kind of things mages can do without a bow.


Edit: MArts also a major consideration in terms of magic utility.



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3 minutes ago, Xarkly said:

This is less of a suggestion and more of an observation; there's not a clean solution because of the above. I would much rather see the ST address the minmax magic culture (limit slots; your character doesn't need 3-5 magics), which is compounded by the prevalence of alchemy, ST materials, etc.


None of these are bad things on their own and magic SHOULD be accessible, but I just think the server would benefit massively if we tried to limit the amount of magic (including CA) one character can access. 


 ur honestly so right. people need to stop magicstacking it's so egrigious 'it makes sense for my character' is that why they've got lanre cerusil tier crp. please stop being a multimagicengager. please have a niche. please stop developing metas. everyone's 'in it for the narrative trust me' until magickal crp comes along and I hate it



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9 hours ago, Islamadon said:

1. No Guns

- The Administration does not want them.

Admins dropped the ball for the non-guns argument the moment cannons were allowed.


The introduction of gunpowder-based weapons in any shape or form is far too close to muskets or matchlocks for people to not want to see them be implemented, not to mention the fact they were quite literally the real-life counter to plate's prevalence in combat. Realistically the only way to properly implement a ranged counter to plate is the introduction of early stage matchlocks that were more powerful than bows and crossbows, but in turn has its own glaring drawbacks.


Bows and crossbows have ultimately lost its prevalence because the other two combat "classes" - melee and mages - were allowed to evolve within the rules of the server (plate armour became more and more common as time went by, and so many forms of magic exist now that it can be utilised in combat in a variety of ways), meanwhile the ranged "class" has been stuck with the same tools it's had since likely the beginning of the server, and has been outpaced by the other forms of combat. The problem isn't the mechanical application of the tools players have access to in terms of ranged combat, it's the tools themselves.

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Plate isn't the issue so much as it is people misunderstanding how plate works. No matter what you try to do with it the perceived power of it will always determine that people emote differently than they should and there's hardly ever a mod willing / around to oversee long crp anyways. This is just a small part of a broader issue involving people refusing to lose no matter what anyways.

Allow people to 2 emote shoot bows in 16 block range and the rest doesn't matter.

Also even though Malta's comment has nothing to do with this post (bla bla dingo comment), he is overall correct. None of this stuff matters proportionately to a lot of the power-creep CAs and MAs generate. If anything I think Plate is actually one of the only fair options left for people that don't want to do magics given that one of the balancing factors applied to most of those things is the inability to use plate.

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Rather than focusing on the advantage makes get from needing plate armour, consider buffing lighter armours.


On stop of that, stop rolls for archery. Treat it as honour. The ST are guilty of treating ranged as RNG, and its my belief that what the ST do strongly influences how people percieve ranged crp. Stop asking for rolls for 3 emote count actions.


Stop treating arrows like pebbles. Arrows aren't exactly weak and can do substantial damage when striking armour at advantageous angles, and there's quite some impact behind them - and frankly I've never seen anyone emote a stagger from being hit by arrows while plated other the myself. There are people that will run around like pincushions which frankly is frustrating not only as ranges but melee too, since those who choose to emote appropriately will get ignored or even less interaction because the pincushion is blazing through opponents due to their reckless behaviour.


We also don't really need a skill tracker for archery. Anyone can pick up a sword or a warhammer and pretend to be good at it, archery isn't really different. I would prefer if people roleplayed their skills more accurately but like, it's a bit hopeful.


Tl;Dr ST and players need to treat bows as honour and emote appropriately.

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There's no regulations on armor and adding some might be difficult because of regulations being a nightmare. Fact is, rn you could have a character that never trained before or even have had attempted to have armor on and just pop a set of plate on with no consequences or downsizes. And it's arguably up to ST in events to actually give any negative impacts of wearing such heavy material. Otherwise it's just flat the best option. 


Then for range weaponry, it was on par with magic yet given some spells of 2 emotes passing without really considering mundane vs. magic balancing, an imbalance has happened where generally mundane range isn't a quick enough option. Even with multiple people in a party to attack. Then if you give to much to mundane weaponry, magic then is obsolete. It's a tough thing to figure out what to do. And probably a list of spells or magics should be made to really look at the issue deeper if you want to deal with fixing the problem. 

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you shouldnt need server level techlock changes because you dont know how to use ranged weapons


if u want to be a true 'ranger' then u need to accept pulling out a bow in any ordinary situation might not yield results, and furthermore taking on a knight in close range wont work too well either


if u want to beat mages there is op action economy bs in techlock with slings and such, even the minmaxed to shit mages will struggle against someone using the current iteration of sling


if u want to overpower plate armor and air evocation bs, invest in 4 or 5 emote crossbow, you most certainly do have the tools you need to deal the damage, you just lack the flexibility of being powerful in every situation, which would make a lot of sense considering, you know.. its a bow. mages had to do this as well when they (i) reinvented the meta. u look at the tools you have (you have a lot of them) and then find the best way you can use them. its fine if u dont want to do that because its minmaxy behavior, but at the same time you can't call for server level change if you aren't willing to fully explore what actually exists


plate armor is hard to solve :(

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add a archer/ranged class FA that has tiers to make you better at using a ranged weapon, it will give the peasants a incentive to train their aim rather than be master archers from birth.

heck you could even add a few melee FA's as well to specialise in certain weapons and fighting styles (although there should probably be a limit for how many of these feats can be taken)

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At this point, trying to change certain aspects of the CRP system (how plate armor/ranged weapons work) really isn’t feasible because of how many other things they touch on, so eventually you just end up going through a major rework. While changes are needed, it’s basically impossible to isolate these two and fix them, so you’d need a bigger CRP rework that isn’t going to happen. 

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