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It takes some time for news to reach Artel, but when it does the old flame haired knight stops dead in his tracks, the ore he carried in his hands falls to the ground, breaking the stones they hit, next comes the man as he falls to his knees, and stares forward into nothing, the man had fought to protect her for so long and now he had failed, he hadn't even been with her at the end, tears trail down his face as he remains there for hours, the crushing weight of having outlived the little queen took a toll on the old man



Huge thanks to Zaerie for trusting me to end the story of the War Queen, it was an honor o7


Artair hears the explosion and watches the fight from the nearby mountain, the boy kicking his feet as he doesnt understand the gravity of what has happened 

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Petsch II would shed a tear saluting towards the skies. "May you rest in peace, you lead your people well."

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Ser Alteon of Garenbrig blamed himself for this blunder, if only he ran fast enough. "May the Flame guide you, Queen Catherine."

Edited by Cryptic
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Dame Monika knelt down next to Atticus as she witnessed the Queen take her last breath. Her gauntlet firmly patted his shoulder, offering him her comforts in any way she had known how. "Long live the Queen,"

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Princess Rowena sat in shock as she cradled her mother's body. This didn't feel real. None of this felt real. The screams of her sister only made her soul hurt more. All that mattered to her now was keeping her little sister, Adalia, safe. In the rush after her mother's death, Rowena felt like she was floating outside her body. She comforted her little sister who she was supposed to keep safe, who was too young to be going through all this. In that moment, Rowena vowed to never leave her sister's side, to always support and protect her little sister. No matter what.


Rowena watched over Lia that night, waiting for the nightmares that she knew would come. She looked out the window, whispering something to herself. The phrase that all had repeated for the little Queen.


"Long Live the Queen."

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The life of August of Abrana had been thus far intertwined with that of the now deceased Catherine. He often remembered their excursions as children, and the fears the young heir-apparent had voiced at the mantle she was to assume in time. Time passed, his own amongst the free companies which roamed about the continent, whilst Catherine had prepared herself to rule the then Commonwealth. Upon his return years later, the two's bond had been rekindled, and his life intertwined with her own anew. The two had never been the most conventional of royals, though such never bothered August. Above all, he had come to love Catherine for the unrelenting duty and sacrifice she had shown to their homeland. Any with a will weaker than her own would have faltered, sending the realm once more into the chaos and violence which followed. Anyone weaker would have faltered with the challenge that laid ahead. Not Catherine, however. She had been the realm's steward for near three decades, and in that time seen it reach new heights, ones hard-fought that would not be lost. As he stood before the Garmont Throne, Catherine's body lifeless before the host of Heartlanders who had fought as her side, many for decades, he knew then that life would go on. If only because of what Catherine had done, all of it. She had been what the Petra had needed, and she had given her all for its continued success. He would not let her life's work to go waste.


"Your work will not be undone, Catherine. These lands shall prosper anew through the rule of Adalia, that I promise you."

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Marisol couldn’t breathe or speak, as guilt had washed over. Perhaps, if she was at home, she would’ve noticed the undead army, alerted them in time. Or maybe if she hadn’t left to visit her relatives in the Northern kingdom, she would’ve treated her in time. Right?


The blame, the guilt, it wouldn’t leave. 

She could’ve done more for Queen Catherine, for her family, for the Petra as she did for her.

The retired Hyspian Knight cried that night, lighting a candle, praying to her Gods. She held her children and husband close, hoping it wasn’t the last.


@Phersades @annanicole__ @Greehn

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The Crab's office is quiet, the monks sent to their quarters for the night. Inexplicably, by midnight, a tolling is heard a total of seven times from the Archbishop's Cathedral - and then go quiet. The morning after, no other culprit is found but the aged Cardinal laid asleep beside the bell.

Edited by cadazio
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The aged elfess felt no genuine loss for that beloved Queen, brows knit with pity and remorse for the agony around her, however. "Khivi, you shall search out that newfound Queen and befriend her. She is your age." Lhoris clarified, glancing to a portrait of Saint James II nearby with pursing lips. She swore a promise decades ago and would ensure to maintain it through her daughter if not herself directly. "She has lost her mother. She shall need a friend, Khivi. A true one-- you've nothing to gain from her, only friendship." 



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Prince Arathor of Númenost stands silently in the palace corridors. He listens as the Heartlander royals converse, and his own voice does come from his mouth as he offers advice, condolences, and affirmations. But it's all a bit numb. His mind is aflame, aflame as he ponders what is to come. What will become of this fine Kingdom? What will become of the girl he's sworn to mentor, crown upon her head?

"Whatever is to come." He affirms to himself in silence, "I will do what I can for them. For the lass."

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Ser Uther outlives yet another Heartlander monarch. "I was born in the reign of Philip II you know- My sense of time is beginning to wear thin." He said to Ser Alwyn Glennmaer as the pair sat beneath a tree, smoking. @Josh3738


"God- Last time I saw the woman she was a child- I'll pray for the poor girl."

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Theodore Elwood was not a particularly emotional man. He'd faced monsters and run to face Darkspawn without much of a break afterward. He did not find much relief in crying, and he had grown up in such traditional ways as not to show much emotion in public...

To observe Catherine's last moments, though....to help carry her to the church afterward...It was enough to push him over the edge. After helping a procession carry her body to the Church in Vallagne, he'd silently weep some for a few moments. For Catherine, but also for her children and husband, her grandmother, and for all others who were so close to her. Even without knowing her particularly well, Theodore felt a true sense of loss as he stared upon her casket.


But then, after several moments that each felt like an eternity, Theo smiled. Through the grief, he could not help but recall the first time they had a genuine conversation. It had been over a game of Tic Tac Toe in the Fairweather Pup. Theodore lost on purpose - he had been so intimidated by royalty still. He recalled Catherine's will to fight a proper game, though. And he recalled her willingness to help him, a poor peasant boy from the outskirts of Petra, with personal matters. He could never know how much she really cared, but the sentiment was enough to earn undying loyalty from there on.


After sharing memories with the rest of the procession, murmuring his own prayers for the departed, and wiping his tears, he'd return home. In the silence of Faubourg, Theodore would light a handful of candles in his home. He would place one in particular upon a window sill. Before bed, his only nightly prayer would be for peace and comfort for the mourning family, and one final utterance in privacy with God: "May she find true peace and happiness in Paradise."

Edited by JudgeTrudy
Fixing some grammar and changing up the color for easier reading.
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The Grand Magister gives the order. The blue fires of Hohkmat burn red that night, in honor of the Petran Queen. 


In private, Faeryel reflects. The child with a heavy crown on her head that she’d followed into battle. The wedding in the burnt church. She did not speak to Catherine, but she did not suppose her short life was a happy one. 


Sadness stabs into her like a cold knife in the back. There is a Queen she knows. “Ach. Poor Renilde..”

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Eléanor paced around her bedroom for hours following the news. Quietly, holding a book that once belonged to the deceased Queen, she spoke with no tears left:


"Long live the queen. Goodbye, Mama.”

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