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Dúnkelder Pledge of Loyalty and Legitimacy

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On the 3rd of The First Seed, 779 S.R


Following the abdication of Cyris of Collingwood from the position of Thainship within the Shiredom of Dúnwen, and the assumption of Rolando of Applefoot as the new Thain of the Shire. The Port-County of Dúnkeld reaffirms their loyalty towards the Shire Authority, and swears fealty to Thain Rolando Applefoot, recognizing him as the legitimate Thain of the Shire.


The door to diplomacy, negotiations, and fellowship shall remain open for the Shire Authority.


Signed by,



Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld,

Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, 

Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Knife of Rozania,

 Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw




Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld,

The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw,

Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas,

First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land,

Best Lawyer in the Business, Member of Parliament, Moss Mawce Kervallen



Dame of Acalonn, Member of Parliament, Leoni Chevalier



Member of Parliament, Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw

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