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[Apotheosis] Silent Fury


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Limmy waking up Meme Generator

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Peter shot out of bed, sweating up a storm- he looked down at his body, his ticking machine-limbs still present as he quickly touched his appendages, even his maw of metal. He sighed in relief, before a thought emerged;


"So . . . Do they want us to let the Paladins and Dragons duke it out? O-k." 

Thus, Peter drifted back to sleep.

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"Last toimeh oi checked, oi donnaeh listehn taeh visions er common senseh." Said Sigrun as he knocked back some breakfast after waking up - some ale and a day-old slab of pork.

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If any of the Lector Templars looked really closely, they would see Securo-Stor Mk.86 corpses amongst the destroyed machines. The Hyper-War rages on. . .

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Two Templars of the same line born a hundred years apart shudder, bracing themselves against their nearby surroundings as they wake from the vision in a cold sweat. Both are unsure of what to make of it.

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A templar clad in brazen armor was overwhelmed by this sight; it was not her usual vision bestowed by her blessing. No, it was different. She beheld from afar the fight, standing upright as the heavens clashed and shed blood. While she wasn't a needless preacher of violence, unlike the paladins she so despised, witnessing such a war was quite a surprising sight. She enjoyed fighting. Alas, it would not be her turn to join the combat. Nevertheless, shes ombrely sighed at the sight of the dead machines. Perhaps this was the only glimpse of victims she didn't like to see of this war, as she cared little about either side. The war-machines were innocents of its own.


"Xan must perish. Azdromoth must pay. However, I will only continue to protect my home and my people."


Stated the palid templar upon the ending of the vision, waking up with a swift jerk of her head, beyond focused and perturbed. She exhaled a raspy breath before moving away to find her templar comrade in Amathine. There was much to discuss. 

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"OWYN WAS A FARFOLK," shouted the black swordsman when he woke up, seeing his ancestor in the vision.

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Ser Adrielle rolled over in bed and looked out her window after wakening from the dream. She squinted seeing that dawn was just barely breaking and she simply sighed as she lied back down and threw the pillow over her head. "Too early for this shit." She'd say before falling back asleep.

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Caliene awakes in a cold sweat in her bedroom, sat up in a blind panic. . . then there was nothing wrong. It was just her bedroom. The window was open, letting cool dawn's breeze in. Seeing as it was evident enough to let the paladins and the dragon-spawn continue on their usual ways, the Templar laid back down and tried to get some sleep. "That seems like something to handle later. . ."

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A Templar awakened, before making his way to the mountains between Urguan and the Vale, and stared at the setting of the sun. He disagreed that this was a duel of the Courageous - for Ruin and Order clashed, both in declaring itself for the servitude for all of Man. One within the Sunlit Path; the other within Azdromoth's plans and schemes.


The man began to observe the ocean. Both parties had broken oaths; both parties had broken bonds; both parties had broken the Dogma of Courage. He'd breath a moment, beginning to form a white, pulsating light into his left palm - and made his decision.


One way or another, the world would be changed. It was within this change that the Descendants' and the Archaengul, Malchediael, would reign in supremacy - else the Heavens would remain derisive to Man and their brilliance.



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“Ka-Ka-Ka!” cackles an old Templar beneath a Sakura. “Two tyrants collide … Machiman invokes Victor’s Justice. Kimari da; let us see if the upstart can shake the heavens.” 


If you’re quipping on a rare Malch post you’re contributing to the death of the MA and it’s culture


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5 minutes ago, Islamadon said:

((Can’t spoiler yet on phone but if you’re quipping on a rare Malch post you’re contributing to the death of the MA and it’s culture


"Well that just happened." Said Takemura.

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Casreus, stirring in the night, awoke from his restless sleep. His breath raced, labouring him as the wheeze plagued his lungs which a bronzed hand rested over. He rose from bed, stepping outside upon that cold mountainside and rested. His breathing slowed; a practice he had always done, even if involuntary, as he tried to calm the ailed mind that assailed his own.


He grunted; there was no peace, not in his mind, his heart, or the lord that granted him that power. He took his stave in hand, striking at the target-dummy with a grunt. Another strike- another strike- another strike.


The mountainside trees swayed in the frigid night wind plagued by the sounds of wood striking wood until the morning sun came to rise. 

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Posted (edited)

Arathor paces back and forth for some time following his wakening. He betrays little emotion in public, but in the privacy of his room in whatever dingy inn he finds himself, his distress is plain. Eventually, after about an hours silent pacing, he sits on the edge of his cot, rubbing his face, and repeating to himself:

"One thing at a time... One thing at a time."

Edited by TN_TURKEY
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