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A Prelude to the Ninth Waldenic Diet

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A Prelude to the Convening of the





Issued by the LADY VANDALORE

In the Year of our Lord, 1979






It is my great honour to have been elected as the XVI Lady Vandalore and VII Margravine of Vanderfell during the final session of the Eighth Waldenic Diet. My long held duty has been to uphold Waldenian culture and see it prosper, whether that be the traditions of House Rademacher to which I was born or the customs of the Reinmaren people of whom I am a chieftess.


My election proves novel, for it is the first time since the Vandalore became an elected position in 1686 that a non-Elector has been chosen to hold this esteemed position. As per the Code of Representation, amended in 1947 by the Walter Amendment:


xxi.b. A non-Elector chosen to serve as the Vandalore shall be granted a non-permanent Electorate lasting throughout their tenure and no longer, unless raised to a permanent Electoral grant by the Waldenic Diet.


I hereby choose the Electorate of Hexenwald to represent my non-permanent Electorate.






Not only shall I swear an oath to uphold the Sacred Law of Waldenia and the Vander Code,  I also outline below my promises and goals for my tenure as the president of the Waldenic Diet.


Update the Sacred Law of Waldenia to incorporate the approved Walter Amendment.


Update the records to include biographies of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Lords Vandalore.


Update the records with an official list of the Electorates of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Waldenic Diets.


Update the records with an official list of current and former Knights of Vander.


Call for a Waldenfest to be regularly hosted throughout the Waldenian realms, with each Electorate to host at least once.


Require each of the Electorates to submit publications on aspects of Waldenian culture unique to their families and people.


Work alongside the Ritterkommandant to swell the ranks of the Knights of Vander with valiant souls who will protect and uphold the Sacred Law and Vander Code.


Encourage currently-lethargic sons and daughters of Waldenia to embrace their cultural heritage and, where appropriate, raise such patriarchs and matriarchs to the Electorate.


Provide non-binding guidance to future Lords and Ladies Vandalore on the circumstances where an Electoral grant, and Electoral revocation, may be appropriate.


Revive and uphold the Waldenic symbols of merit.






The first Waldenfest of my tenure shall be held in due course, which will involve a session of the Waldenic Diet. All Electors are encouraged to submit to me those motions they wish to raise so that they can be promulgated in advance. 


All non-Electors of Waldenian blood who wish to raise petitions may also write to me to have motions submitted on your behalf.






After the first gathering of the Diet, I shall embark on a tour across the continent visiting each of the Electorates. The Electoral families will have the opportunity to showcase the customs, culture, and history of their House and share their dreams for a prosperous Waldenian future in a more intimate setting than the Diet.





In the name of the sons and daughters of Waldenia,

HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, ADALFRIEDE von HEXENWALD, Princess of Minitz, Margravine of Vanderfell, Lady Vandalore, Grandmaster of the Vandorian Order and Order of the Black Eagle



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The proud Waldenian; Nikolaus von Leopold, smiled upon reading through the new Lady Vandalore's missive "Whilst I first supported my cousin for Vandalore- Lady Adalfriede seems to be the most promising leader of our culture in our lifetime!"

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Ludwig of Merryweather read the missive while standing guard at one of the watchtowers "Viel Glück, Lady Vandalore." The Ranger said as he folded the copy in half and took out his spyglass to look for any mountain brigands - as the bannerman looked around, he sang a Waldenian song quietly 




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