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The Seizure of Anarórëite Shire Property

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Following the failure of Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë and her kin of yielding to the demands set forth, and with the deadline having passed, Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë's property within the Shire is now seized and shall be placed under the control of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, with the full express granting of consent by the Thain of the Shire, Rolando Applefoot.


The property and resources legally seized under the full extent of the law as approved by the Thain shall be considered of appropriate value to what was demanded of Anarórë. It now rests in our control.



Signed by,



Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld,

Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, 

Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Knife of Rozania,

 Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw

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