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[PK] Sobre el Pas de la Reina

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Deep in the jungles of Aevos, Brother Demetrius silently prayed for the loss of his Queen. Only to continue his treck onward as he awaited the conclusion of his sentence, paper and quill in hand. 

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Father Ivan would pray that night at the Church within Portoregne. He would pray that Her Majesty would find peace and serenity within the Seven Skies as she leaves behind an impactful legacy for Balian and her people. "A Queen who had touched the hearts of many. May she rest now in comfort." 

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With deep sadness, Ser Alteon of Garenbrig with the Fiefdom's medic accompanying him would seem to be disappointed at the lost of life before them, as their request of assistance was denied, "Come, Holly. Let us give them space."

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Hilda looked over the missive having fought along side the queen for her final battle and watched as she took her final breaths. She quietly made her way to Tuvia, her own armour still soaked in blood. She had to tell her princess all that had happened and escort her to see her mother, it was truly the least she could do.

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John stilled as he heard the news, tears welling in his eyes as he brushed ash from his skin. So much joy in the world - a victory to some, a loss to others. But this was, somehow, worse news than the Aengul of Order being rended into thin, golden ribbons. He'd always thought of her as a sister and her son, now the king, as his nephew. His son, little John, a great-nephew. There had been no letter waiting for him from the Novellen, only steetside gossip to inform him of her death. An ounce of bitterness to his weeping. The man went to bed sooner that night, clutching onto the figure beside him. 


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2 hours ago, Cryptic said:

With deep sadness, Ser Alteon of Garenbrig with the Fiefdom's medic accompanying him would seem to be disappointed at the lost of life before them, as their request of assistance was denied, "Come, Holly. Let us give them space."

Holly showed respect for the deceased Queen, despite her offered aid being denied by the monarch, and then left the throne room alongside Alteon.

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Kristoff var Ruthern sat in his office in silence. For the first time during his tenure as Amiratus he didn’t know what to do, “May her Majesty find peace, which we seek to achieve in this world.” 

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As Belisarios was told of the news, he fell to the ground within the church of Portoregne, such loss was never easy.

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The Royal-Legate, much too stunned from the events that transpired before him had looked down to his shaking hands, the death of his father was surpressed far below yet the death of someone who had mentored him ever since his arrival into the southern lands had all but exposed the very emotions he bottled deep down. There was much he wished to learn from the now late Queen, much he wished to question, much he wished to witness with her as a figure yet it had all but dissipated in the blink of an eye and he was left standing, reeling from the loss he felt from a mentor who he knew for so little time, yet had taught him so very much. He legate who often had much to say could find no words for a moment like this, instead it was a time like there where he mourned for the loss of a true monarch and the loss of a mentor, much as the whole cannonist kingdom did the young, August find himself in mourning, lightning a candle each night for the loss of a true Queen and whispering the words, "Gott save the Queen.. Ave Balian.."



Can't even begin to say how much you've done for me and the chances you have given to I, truly a great rper but first and foremost a great person, thank you so much for the things you've done to Balian! Hope to see you around as a character!


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From his house in Brabant, Sir Ephrem Kervallen received notice from the death of Sybille. The Templar exhaled some smoke from his pipe and talked to noone in particular "And once again she failed, never once was she successful in anything. The first of her line to be unable to win their particular war" A single chuckle escaped the Kervallen's mouth as he took another puff of the tobacco "At least she'll be with Ezren now, may she rest in peace even if we were nen in the better terms"

Disclaimer: All this is RP nothing should be taken OOCly, also it's ramblings to himself don't meta.

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Dhen Ma’al sat on his usual Balian bench. The creature thinking the news over. What did this play in the grand scheme of time? The being endless in age pondered endlessly through the day in the same spot “What is the point of this story? Grand battle just as the bar master foretold last month, I am sure it was grand at least. But to what is it that will come of this now?”

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Ioanna stood within the fields surrounding New Valdev, helping various workers and generous nobles harvest those lingering crops so that they might finally redesign the Crownlands to her satisfaction. It helped her to forget about the recent loss of her husband, to suppress the great emptiness that filled her heart whenever she thought of his ginger tresses or warm laugh.


That evening, upon returning to the city, she found a letter waiting for her. News of more loss, but one she met with a mixture of sadness and frustration. The sister she had known as a child, but the woman she had hardly met. Who wore the crown once destined for Ioanna's own head. The queen who sipped upon her wine with indifference upon meeting with the Haeseni king, whilst Ser Leonid had been forced to venture out alone to rescue a young boy from a necromancer lord.


All the same, she lit a candle and spoke a prayer. Johanna Casimira has never been one to hold grudges, with plenty of room in her heart for forgiveness. Ioanna Kortrevich would do the same--however long it took.

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Luthien having heard of the news from the top of the jungle mountains, she felt a deep sadness for this, unable to fully process it as the Queen she once served had fallen to the hands of the same that killed her own mentor. She goes on and visits her mother within her office in silence, asking nothing but her presence. @JTMedea

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This queen sits within her office room, her eyes that once were a vibrant purple now holding a shade of gray, depleting of joy day by day from the troubles within her own Queendom. Her owl flew through her open window with a letter in its beak. Upon opening the missive, once again tears would down her cheeks. “Oh Sybille…I’m sorry dear friend for not visiting you for so long..I hope that you were not lonely..please rest well, we will meet again someday and maybe…I can make you that citrus drink you liked so much again..” As she puts the letter down, her beloved daughter would come through the doors, she would be silent. Medea would simply go over to give her a hug, letting the silence and each other's presence be comfort. “We will reunite with her again one day, Blossom..” @UniBearse

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