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Charles squeezed his father's hand as he departed this world on the steps of the altar. The prince's eyes filled with tears as he thought about what he had experienced with his father and what he had yet to experience. He will never show his children to his father, and they will never know their grandfather, he will never be able to ask him for advice ever again - for who can tell him how to rule the Kingdom better than the King himself? Tears streamed down Lord Alba's cheeks before he bowed his head and sobbed mournfully - the Kingdom and its people were now in his hands - the role he was preparing for throughout his lifetime came upon him when he least expected it. In the midst of sadness and fear he, for the first time as King, asked God in a hushed tone


"Why did you take him away now? Now when the Country and I needed him more than ever."


All the young Alstion monarch wanted in that moment was to be Charlie, a little boy on the back of a horse playing the bagpipes for the soldiers going into battle at the Siege of Anthill...



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No words came from Alicia as she glanced at the lifeless body of the King. There were no words to be spoken. A shiver crawled down her spine as she thought  'He had just met his first grandchild, cheery and all.'  She quickly went over to her husband, embracing him. Still nothing came from her mouth, she knew no words could comfort a loss so large.

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A wicked and terrible Shinobi of the Koyo-Kuni wrings his hands together as yet another assassination plot was successful. "Another flame snuffed . . . " he cartoonishly cackles as Aaun no doubt felt the machinations of the petty Oyashi.

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"Rest to the King," Jan Jazlowiecki whispered to himself, as tears made their way down his cheeks. "Tandem Triumphans."

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Posted (edited)

A silence came over The Crab, as he looked down to John. His lifeless skin turned to sand, and his final tears turned to waves, and the expanse of the sea was revealed to the cardinal. With a breath, he prostrated on the shore. 


Frantzisko only prayed his friend could serve the Lord as he was always meant to - in the Skies, before the Heavenly Host and the highest altars, as the priest he was destined to become, for the ages of ages.

Edited by cadazio
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Thérèse von Theonus wonders what her life would've been like now if she had listened to her grandfather's words about John all those years ago.

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As he watched the lifeless body of the King, surrounded by his grieving family, Father Jean was speechless in shock. His greatest friend and benefactor, his savior from the damp cells of Gwynon, gone. Merely an hour prior they had discussed mortality; he felt the cold grip of irony in that moment, seeing the King's worries become so brutally manifest.

In his thoughts, he uttered a prayer, but he knew that was all he could do.


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Alfred recalled the man from his youth - one so who eagerly yearned for the Priesthood. GOD had seen it differently, in his eyes, and Alfred had connected with such a twist of fate. "A unifier of his people, same as Leon and I." - "I understand his plight. There aren't many of us left anymore, Ivan." He told the King of Haense, whilst on a hunt.



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(sorry for formatting, will redo when not on mobile!)


It simply wasn’t fair. First her mother, less than a Saint’s Year before, and now King John. The young Queen had been looking forward to speaking more with the man- the few times they had he had been nothing but kind, and helpful. Adalia sighed upon receiving the notice of His Majesty’s passing, hanging her head. Carefully, she removed the crown from her head, putting her head in her hands. 


“Do you have to take them all?” She asks to the silence.

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The young auvergnat stands silently at the edge of the crowd, his small heart heavy with grief. The weight of the king's passing presses down on him, making it impossible to think of returning home, to retell the dramatic story of today to his parents..

His eyes, red from unshed tears, flicker between the grieving faces around him and the lifeless form of King John I of Alstion. Despite the pull to be elsewhere, he remains rooted to the spot, unable to abandon the mourners and his fallen liege.


It was his first time witnessing death.

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Catherine Jazlowiecki looked upon John of Aaun as he walked up to the altar to wish her his congratulations. The newly wedded woman, once John's ward, took the monarch's hand at that moment to offer her profound respect. Catherine's head lowered, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for everything you have done. Long live the King!" The woman shouted, her voice echoing throughout the chapel. Something in her felt that his health was deteriorating, so she gave John all the words she wished to say to him many years ago.

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Emilio Varoche wept for his beloved royal cousin, remembering the day he waited for Edmund's will amongst his fellow council members of the time and the relief he had when John was named heir, "We chose a glorious path that day, thank you cugino for leading us all these blessed years!"

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Rowena walked to her sister, resting a hand on her shoulder. She never knew John of Aaun well, but the few times they had spoken he had been very kind to her. She squeezed Adalia’s shoulder, then made her way to the aviary to send a few letters of condolences.


(will reformat once I’m not on mobile!)

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Henrik-Otto Ludovar would sign the Lorraine Cross in memory of his fallen friend. "May vy rest in peace dear friend." He'd murmur to himself, chugging some Carrion Black, toasting to Edmund's memory.

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