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Ser Anselm Barclay wept on hearing the news of John's death, the knight devastated by his sudden passing. 


"Rest in peace, godfather. You were one of the greatest men I ever had the chance to meet, to look up to."

He uttered these words whilst lowering his head.


"Aaun owes you a great deal, for you were its saviour in its greatest hour of crisis".

He finally concluded as he traced the lorraine.

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A young scholar began a deep investigation into the lineage of John of Aaun and Manfred Barclay, searching for any correlation between the two men.

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In the presence of the Old King John, Lorelei Mariri, the sole grandchild, delightedly babbled and played in his chamber. As she gleefully explored her surroundings, she affectionately tugged on his beard and playfully admired the dazzling jewelry that adorned his regal attire. However, fate had a cruel twist in store for Lorelei, as she would never have the opportunity to grow up with her beloved grandfather by her side. Yet, within the depths of her tender heart, she vowed to eternally cherish the fleeting moments they shared. When her mother gently took her away, Lorelei's eyes welled up with silent tears, questioning why she could no longer be in the presence of her cherished "papa."

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John Valentinus believed that the day would be one of joy, for his friends were to be wed. It was during the joyful procession in Warsovia that the news would reach him. Along with many others, he'd rush his way down to the chapel to find his Father's lifeless corpse laying before the altar. All that he could hear at the time was the weeping that surrounded his Father. The regrets, the things he wanted to say to his Father, would likely come to him within the following months. For now, he had to remain strong as he sought the strength of his GOD. It was one of the few things that his Father instilled into his mind.


But would he be prepared for the coming tribulations? Would GOD forsake their House?

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Eleanor of Provins beamed as her grandson entered the domain of God, through the far distance she granted her nod of pride at what man he had became and was. Now for eternity John was reunited with his closest kin, to watch over and preside those other that were yet to meet their demise.

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Tiber the Nauzican placed a hand upon the coffin of the late King, offering the newly departed man he had served for decades a solemn prayer.

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Ravenna Barclay sought the fresh air of Reinmar, climbing the palace stairs onto the rooftop garden. She gazed over the woodland below and sent a maid to fetch a glass of lemonade, raising to a toast upon its arrival. Farewell, she thought.

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"How do you feel now, looking back, that you were a man of the cloth turned into a king?"

The question arose from a father to his daughter-in-law, amidst a personal conversation in the chapel. HEDWIG OF WARSOVIA thought of the very question as she looked over to JOHN OF AAUN now, lifeless, in the same spot not a month later. 

"I doubt a lot."

She bent towards her CHARLES' side. All she could hear was the quiet sobs he uttered, and when her hands which trembled with the grief she knew was coming she could only think of what the Aaunic king thought of his life; God's punishment. The His Majesty's towards him the congregation echoed did not reach her ears as Charles was addressed. Her gaze seemed to fixate on him without a care for herself, entirely caught in the moment of observation. John would always be the authority figure they looked to for guidance in their upcomng positions; always the one to wield his power, with piety, whenever needed. They were children to her, merely inexperienced. Yet, she reminded herself, that even he had doubts too. A tether of humanity one could not lose.

The new Queen-consort of Aaun was plagued with thoughts of obligation and doubt. On her wedding day did she vow in death and sickness, and so did Hedwig stay at Charles II's side thereon; a boy turned into a king, for how much will he doubt like his father?

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Sigmund Ludovar dips his head in respect.
"May he rest well"

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Posted (edited)

Lo' There he stood, Holy Ser Barend De Ruyter, A Subject to King John? A Friend? He could never truly tell, However despite his uncertain relation with the good man Barend always held great respect for him. Sinking through his knees before the Lorraine cross in a nearby cathedral "Blessed be the LORD who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. My Goodness, And my Fortress; My high tower, and my deliverer; My shield, and he in whom i trust; He who subdueth my people under me... I beg ye, Deliver Aaun with a Monarch as GODly and pious as John."

Edited by ThatDutchFellow
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"Mh, a friend has fallen once more. It seems that the age of ours is ending. ." Caius judged of the times, a hand raising up to the scraggly beard to tug and pull at it with a quivering lip. "I judge this man to be a hero. He has made his flock into more, and has instilled faith upon the populace." He murmured to himself as his eyes gazed upon the parchment which heralded the news, recalling the day in which he was the first to proclaim John as the King, and having placed the Crown atop that priest. His eyes travelled outside, towards his window, as he pondered upon his own mortality, one of the last standing men of his age, as the young, energetic men replacied the old. He wondered, if he would soon join John.

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Alexander Darkwood offered a prayer to King John of Aaun, recognizing his efforts in uniting the Heartlands "I disagreed with him sometimes but it is undeniable that he always did what he thought it was best for our Kingdom and I respected him in that sense. May he rest in peace in the Seven Skies.".


He then approached the until then Lord of Alba Charles Alstion @Olox_ and said: "The King is dead, long live the King.". He then knelt before the new King of Aaun and swore him fealty as his liege. "Tandem Triumphans!".

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Their marriage had been over half her life.


In its earliest days, it had been strained. The realm had demanded much of a priest and a foolish courtier, too much of two so little versed in court intrigues. The queen's fondness for her king had little wavered throughout those tribulations, yet his kingdom had never loved the Veletzian. She was foreign, and her own homeland its bygone nemesis; two decades had little healed the scars of lost fathers and brothers. Yet here it was that she saw her own children grow and blossom, a quiet shadow beside clerical, near-holy John. He had always been the kindest of husbands to her, thoughtful. Always worrying, asking, thinking. Love it may not have been, passionate and romantic; yet a better companion Aevos could not have known.


It had not been so bad a life together, decided the woman as she donned mourning black. Not so bad at all.

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Blessed Gerard would wait upon the gates with open arms. "It is bon to see you again, Jean d'Auan!"

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Mother Alexandra would be wandering around in a nearby village as she heard the news of the King's passing. The woman looked up at the sky with solemn eyes. 


"A great man has passed over to the seven skies today. The world shall miss him, and all eyes will be upon his son now..." she mumbled to herself before offering a prayer to God for the King. 

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