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It was not sudden news at all for Josephine, but still, seeing the now lifeless and barely cold body of her father laid upon the chapel’s floor was a sight she never expected to see. Somehow, in her mind, he’d live forever. Perhaps mostly because she couldn’t imagine life without him, nor did she ever want to. 

John possessed so many traits that mixed together to create a wonderful man, she had always thought. 
And was she always much like her father in numerous ways, but without many of the final ingredients. Sensitivity, but without his sense of resolve. Empathy, but without critical evaluation. 


Perhaps the most distinctive trait of all: she could now only find a sense of comfort in performing the same act she’d seen her father do throughout her whole life – Josephine’s scratched and quivering hand signed the Lorraine over her own chest before John’s casket, where she’d remain for hours. Days, weeks, and soon enough months. Little could be said to describe the dark world she’d now been plunged into.

“At least it isn’t dark for you now, father.”

Blood-curdling sobs that tore through Josephine’s chest echoed from the Hand of Horen for many nights to come. 



For Boon, the news had come by letter. Of course, it was not the illiterate merchant that read it, but instead Bane. Needless to say, it had ruined the duo’s fishing trip – the pair nearly sinking deep into the waters as Boon’s own cries were enough to flood the vessel. 

This was the second King of Aaun he had been around to see the demise of - he thought. Time was getting on now. Death was always a concept Boon was unable to come to terms with, as for him, it always seemed like those who needed to stay were taken from him unfairly. It would’ve been easy for these feelings to turn to spite, but no - instead, he’d only recall the kindness that John afforded to him when others did not. Their unique bond; fighting side by side in war; the four slices of pie he had saved for him, too, when Boon had lost his arm. The struggle it was, as well, to knit John his own special edition gonk with only one hand. But he did it, only to try to make him proud. 

“No bloke compares tae him. Big King John.”

He addressed of the sky, a plump gloved fist shaking upwards.

“...I’ll never understand why ye have tae keep takin’ the good ones, fella.”







well, this feels a bit weird to write but it also feels even weirder to NOT do it :D I know that of course you're going nowhere rema, but still, wanted to note on an ooc level how enjoyable it has been to rp with you on John w/ both of my characters and how your rp has really shaped them and just generally had massive influence
and ofc how it has afforded us to become friends too!
i assume you're gonna want a break and you definitely deserve one, but i look forward to the future rp we'll do together again C: 



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"My soul aches," Daniel CVXII Alstion weeps as his kinsman passes.

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