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To Wound a King

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Closeup of a few medieval medical instruments laying on a wooden table, with bandages strewn about. Oil painting style.

(Image generated through Bing AI)




Rumors begin to spread from city to city of the dwarves in the west, each bringing wildly differing claims.


A host of dwarves had been spotted marching toward Numendil?

The Grand King was engaging one of his own subjects in combat?

His steed had been discovered by an Adunian farmer munching on grass in a nearby field!


A missive appears on nearby noticeboards soon after the circulation of these gossips.




"To any and all who call dwarves 'friend',


I write this to spread word of recent happenings within the further reaches of Aevos, particularly, and especially, on that of recent happenings among the dwarves and the rumors that have begun to slowly make their way east... 


They are all correct.

I have been scarred by an attempt that has been made upon my life, an attempt that had very nearly been successful if not for the very timely intervention of our allies. Some of my kin might speculate that this be the work of the elves, who we so often hold issue against, or that it may even be the work of disgruntled 'Umri' nations wishing to quash the dwarves.


Instead, I am harrowed by the fact that this was an act carried out by a dwarf. One of Urguan's Folk that I may only suspect had grown heavily sympathetic to the Azdrazi given my conversation prior to his assault, and the circumstances that lay around it. Unfortunately I am unable to confirm if such is fact, as the assassin lies dead.


Should anyone possess knowledge of such plots, it is requested that they respond with message to the Obsidian Throne. I would also ask that neighboring nations carefully monitor their citizenry as Azdromoths influence may reach further than initially expected, given the potential of at least one dwarf having fallen into his clutches."


Grand King Thurgrim ‘Angrimsson’ Silverbraid
Son of Angrim, Son of Ongrim, Son of Svardin, Son of Delric, Son of Elie,

Daughter of Chaecus, Son of Herot, Son of Thrain, Son of Bogrin, Son of Urguan,

Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids,
Reckoner of the Guild of Reckoners, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker



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Eriantiel, the Princess of Númenost, treated the Grand King in a quiet panic. After all, her dearest friend could've died, right then and there - grateful to the Gods for allowing him to live another day.

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Tuzic reads over the missive with a furrowed brow… “Already tha dragon’s influence spreads further… Dungrimm guide us..” he mutters to himself as he hurried off to meet the king. 

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Ser Maerîl of Al'Ildic would smile at the mention of herself as allies after being shown such a missive by her spouse ( @Bones ).

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"DEATH TAE TH'ENEMIES O'URGUAN! KILL 'EM ALL!" shouted Urugail Hailstorm as he went to sharpen his favorite axe.

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A missive caught Ragram's attention on his way to Hefrumm, his pupils dilated, and he unintentionally tore the note from the tree to examine it more closely, practically holding it right up to his nose. "W'at en da seven hells?!" he muttered.
After a moment of regaining his composure, he tucked it into his bag and continued his journey – "You can't trust anyone anymore..."

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Narvi slammed his fist. "If I catch the bastards who put this tagum up to this - Kavir!" He swore, grimacing at the missive. 

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