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What is Xan and where can I get some?


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I think I've heard of that Xan fella, isn't he PCV banned or something?

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I'm going to reply as a Paladin player. As I was for most of the eventline. Me, Riorr and a few others all made public IRP forum posts regarding what was happening and asking for aid/resources. There were several map wide world event emotes that would be sent out every week/other week. I've sent RP letters to NLs and have talked to some IRP. But like others have said; It's hard to get an NL to get their whole nation to care. Let alone share info if they don't want to be involved.


Lots of people just log onto the server to fill their specific RP niche and don't want to care about any wider world changing events. That's fine, that's not an issue, whatever makes people happy. Paladins and Azdrazi both have made their locations on the map, I'd say, pretty well known. If you look at the dynmap or just ask IRP you were bound to find out where either were in like maybe like an hour? 


I didn't engage much on my Azdrazi for the eventline, so I can't speak for their side of the eventline. But, I can speak of them as a magic/CA group. The main grouping of Azdrazi are always really open to players interested in their RP. They're always willing to drag people new or old to events or just random RP outings or group RP to give them a good time. 


Paladins though, well, we tried. There's a lot of IRP stigma around Paladins that made it hard for the normal Canonist player or Nation RPr interested in us or our RP. While we tried to destigmatize, it just didn't end up going anywhere. Not to mention that a lot of Paladins are just, straight up unapproachable, mine included. I will be honest, in some aspects it was quite hard for people to try to connect with Paladins. Doubly so for those that wanted to become Paladins during the eventline. 


That's not to say that we didn't try. I, Rukio, Saffryie, Riorr and a lot of others tried to get people involved. But it's hard to get nations to really care about something that at the end of the day won't change their day to day RP factors. Or to care about spending a few months long eventline with people who are really unsociable IRP. 


While I'm not surprised a lot of Nation RPrs didn't know what was happening, or didn't care to know. I am surprised that people OOCly didn't know with the frequency of event posts that'd come out like every other day. 

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I don't really buy into the whole rhetoric of "nations don't care/don't benefit" since that's not really how nations generally operate.


Speaking as former NL and ST, an NL will usually love anything that brings their nation free activity and provide an interesting storyline that's a break from the status quo. I've generally seen multiple people involved in nation leadership express a desire to get involved in stuff like this - I think the issue is moreso the set up/exposition for the event.


As the OP points out, Xan/Azdromoth and their relevant lore hold extremely little standing in nation (particularly human) circles. This has been the case with Aengudaemon lore for about 7-8 years now; the prevailing consensus since the times of events as old as Malin's City was that Aengudaemon lore only has engagement with a select group of deity/magic/CA RPers, and is largely divorced from the rest of the server. This isn't to say that the issue as fixed, but that it's largely unsolved since as far back as 2017. Aengudaemons are definitely more prevalent for the most part, but not to the extent that nations have a prexisting understanding of the lore to enable them to 'jump in' in an eventline like this and actually be engaged.


You can't drop a CRP war without requisite narrative and build-up; this is something that the relevant MA/CA groups obviously had, but nation circles did it. Let's summarise real-quick how this interaction would have gone:


Paladin: "Your majesty, you must ride to our aid. The fell dragon Azdromoth and his horde do battle with our lord Xan! All Aevos will be doomed to a horde of invading dragons and darkness if you do not join your banners to ours post-haste!"


King (having never heard any of this IRP before now, and possibly not OOC either: "uh." 


I think a lot of the comments coming from ST/event participants regarding the apathy of nations is extremely unfair because it ignores the crucial context that their MA group had prexisting stakes and engagement with this lore and eventline, making a transition into the wider war both smooth and cool, whereas the nations they criticize for failing to get involved did not. 


There's also the caveat that, due to their own conduct, Paladins are considered heretics by the vastly more influential Canonist Church and there were very little efforts made to amend this in roleplay. 


Also, this is all against the backdrop of assuming 70+ Canonist nation players would have been able to join the event without overwhelming ST lol. 


At the end of the day this eventline seems to have been a good one that showcased a lot of ST talent (especially with builds!) and I think it's unfortunate to detract from that success by trying to make it out to be an issue in terms of nation involvement (which, for the sole reason of ST manpower, I never really believed was possible, notwithstanding the engagement reasons I've already mentioned).


Regarding the comments here, though, the "nations don't care to do anything but their tea party RP" generally comes across as very uninformed and a bit of a cope. 

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On 6/5/2024 at 5:32 AM, wooz said:

I'm going to reply as a Paladin player. As I was for most of the eventline. Me, Riorr and a few others all made public IRP forum posts regarding what was happening and asking for aid/resources. There were several map wide world event emotes that would be sent out every week/other week. I've sent RP letters to NLs and have talked to some IRP. But like others have said; It's hard to get an NL to get their whole nation to care. Let alone share info if they don't want to be involved.


Lots of people just log onto the server to fill their specific RP niche and don't want to care about any wider world changing events. That's fine, that's not an issue, whatever makes people happy. Paladins and Azdrazi both have made their locations on the map, I'd say, pretty well known. If you look at the dynmap or just ask IRP you were bound to find out where either were in like maybe like an hour? 


I didn't engage much on my Azdrazi for the eventline, so I can't speak for their side of the eventline. But, I can speak of them as a magic/CA group. The main grouping of Azdrazi are always really open to players interested in their RP. They're always willing to drag people new or old to events or just random RP outings or group RP to give them a good time. 


Paladins though, well, we tried. There's a lot of IRP stigma around Paladins that made it hard for the normal Canonist player or Nation RPr interested in us or our RP. While we tried to destigmatize, it just didn't end up going anywhere. Not to mention that a lot of Paladins are just, straight up unapproachable, mine included. I will be honest, in some aspects it was quite hard for people to try to connect with Paladins. Doubly so for those that wanted to become Paladins during the eventline. 


That's not to say that we didn't try. I, Rukio, Saffryie, Riorr and a lot of others tried to get people involved. But it's hard to get nations to really care about something that at the end of the day won't change their day to day RP factors. Or to care about spending a few months long eventline with people who are really unsociable IRP. 


While I'm not surprised a lot of Nation RPrs didn't know what was happening, or didn't care to know. I am surprised that people OOCly didn't know with the frequency of event posts that'd come out like every other day. 

All of my diplomatic efforts bar one, which I feel was poorly rp'd from me, were actually successful but they weren't necessarily as visible as I hoped. Much more than just realm leaders were spoken to by me and others. There were many roleplay posts about it by ST and players.


That being said I don't think your view is an isolated one @Hunnic first of all judging by the upvotes, also amidst this I was told people thought this eventline was SOLELY for paladins/azdrazi which kept them from getting involved! They thought ST should've made it clearer it was open to others too (not my words, this is what I gathered as I was going around and clarified for them). So whilst I believe many players had heard of it there was confusion there.


On 6/4/2024 at 6:37 PM, Hunnic said:

even if IRPLY an arrogant descendant King didn't wish to help- there should be consequences to that, and these consequences should be hinted at BEFORE the big pacific Rim battle between Xan and Azdromoth so people know its the real deal.

Consequences actually in the nations could've been interesting and helped clarify for those confused/spark more involvement. Whether it would've been Xan throwing a hissy or Azdromoth doing his thing.


On 6/4/2024 at 10:02 PM, Frostdrop1 said:

 I don't think it's necessarily wrong for ST to choose not to get too involved, but at the same time I don't think it would've hurt to try and nudge more player participation from different areas through one means or another if the playerbases weren't particularly successful in doing so. It could have been that the dragons actually like - showed themselves more - Eldren and Satar - flying over nations. that would have perked heads, but it never really happened as far as I'm aware.

Or this sorta thing.
unless there was and I am forgetting

The world emotes that were celestial going-ons, sapphire light, draconic roars etc. I know wouldn't have meant much to me when I was still roleplaying a halfling as I did for years with minimal knowledge of wider server lore. I likely would've inquired about it then also would've believed it wasn't for me to join even if I was interested


Jentos made some good points

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