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The Order of the Pyre - Advancements and Knighthood

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It is often that a soldier enlists within an order without knowing entirely what is expected of them. To this end, I, Ser Glyndwr Glennmaer, publish this document in which the Soldiery of the Order of the Pyre can adhere to, so that they may find purpose, and by extension, their just rewards for good service.





I. Keep Safe the Realm
irstly, the duty of the Order is to serve it’s liege lord, and the crown above. Those being the house of Glennmaer, and the Kingdom of Numendil. It is within this Kingdom’s good green earth that the Order calls home, and to keep one’s home safe and tidy, is foremost.


II. Hunt the Beast
As a force that spends most of its time in a more rural setting, that being the outlying lands of Numendil, or the Kingswood, it is important that a soldier does not refuse the call to arms, even in the face of great danger. To accept that the lands you live in can never truly be safe, is the first step towards becoming a vigilant hunter of the dark. However, sometimes, the natural world can be just as dangerous.

Thus, to keep the people of Numendil safe, you must hunt the beasts that lurk within its borders, who would make our good citizenry their next meal.


III. Expose the Wretched
t is common for those who serve Iblees, the Dragon, or otherwise darker masters, to attempt at hiding in plain sight. Whilst many are taught not to stereotype, it has served Numendil very well in the past, and before that, Barrowton. Thus, keep your wits about you and your eyes open. The Servants of the Dark will attempt to pull people away, to talk in secret. They will wear dark or drab clothes. Perhaps full suits of black plate. They will hide their face, talk in an esoteric manner, and blaspheme. Heed not their words. Test anyone you suspect.


IV. Pursue Wisdom, and Arm yourself with Knowledge
o be an effective guardian and hunter, one must know their targets. Study well the behaviours and aspects of the dark. To understand them is not to be one of them, merely, it is to know how to combat them. Make yourselves familiar with the threats to Canondom, and be prepared. Seek the Knowledge of Alchemy, and make use of GOD’s gifts.






As Recruits of the order, rewards are few, though very few soldiers remain in this rank for longer than a saint’s week or two, depending on their proactiveness.

However, it does come with its perks:


Armor is provided free of charge and guaranteed to be brand new. ((In the form of a Skin and also Mechanical PvP armor))

Weaponry of varying kinds, to assure that the soldier is outfitted properly for any threat, man or beast. ((CRP and PvP weaponry))

Bed and Board - Every soldier must be rested and well-fed, lest they falter before the fight has even begun.

Pay - Of course, this is a job, and perhaps a lifelong career. Soldiers are paid mina exceeding that of their yearly taxes, so that they may accumulate wealth, rather than spending it all on rent.




As the main bulk of the Order, Men-At-Arms are given the typical rewards of the Initiate Rank, of course, though they are entitled to further appreciative tokens in addition:

Purity Seals - Medals and Marks that record the soldier’s deeds, for them to do with as they please. Upon gaining Knighthood, these marks and medals can be transcribed into their personal deed books for all to read about.

Finer Armor - More befitting of a front-line soldier, Men-At-Arms are given additional plates and brigandines, more resilient armor that will last longer and perhaps even carry the soldier through his entire career.

Alchemical Weaponry - As a proven soldier, and no longer an initiate, the Men-at-Arms are trusted to carry alchemical weapons into battle, and expected to use it upon command, often depending on the hunt’s mark.

Advanced Training - The Rank of Man-at-Arms is no mere stepping stone, nor is it an end point. Men-at-Arms are often prospective Knights, aspiring for greatness in the eyes of the Order, Garenbrig, Numendil and the Church. To carry the rank of Knight is to show that you are the finest Canondom can offer.

he Order of the Pyre believes that this is achievable by any good Canonist, be they peasant or noble. Thus, Men-At-Arms are treated as aspiring Knights. This, of course, comes with training. Specifically, Men-At-Arms are given materials of which they study, so that they are aware of what makes a Knight.

dvanced horsemanship, hunting, weapon and armor use, etiquette, The Code of Chivalry, and the Holy Scrolls are to be learned to a level bordering mastery.

Then, and only then, can a Man-at-Arms go further in the Order.




As soldiers who have proven mastery, and taken it upon themselves to learn the ways of Chivalry, the Knight can expect the following boons:


A place within the Council, as a low-level advisor.

Higher Status not only in the Order, but in Garenbrig and Numendil as a whole.

Proven loyalty and usefulness to the Church, should the call to Crusade be sounded.

Their own Heraldry, and if lacking, their own House.

The Right to display Trophies in the Hall of Formindon.

The Right to a book of Deeds, in which their work and efforts can be recorded.

As stated, a soldier may only attain these rewards through the rank of Knight, by proving excellence, mastery, and succeeding in their assigned Quest.

This Quest is charged by the Princess Eriantiel, Knight of the Pyre and Royal Castellan of Numendil.







To be entitled to rewards in the Order of the Pyre, one must do their duty and Excel. Willingness to answer a rallying call, to fight, to work, and to show that you can follow the Chivalric Code, are all fine ways to show that you are worthy of rewards. Accumulating rewards, of any kind, serves as the easiest method to prove usefulness, and to be considered for Knighthood.



For more Information on the Order of the Pyre, or if you wish to Enlist, see here:


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Ser Alteon Gwynadar of Garenbrig bellows to the soldiers of the Fiefdom, whilst waving the missive in the air with his hand; "It's time you lot prove your worth!" 

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In the heart of an ancient Grove, Traskaath carved and worked on branches of Ikurnamon. Spears, swords, pikes and many more were to come..

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The Wildsmen, Victor, brushed aside the canvas of his tent and rubbed at his eyes gently. The morning brought the sounds of the Aryn-an-Eryn through the trees to his ears; mostly the sound of birds chirping in the morn. The Wildsmen stepping out would do as he usually does; despite the corruption of the Kingswood, he monitored the movements of game and fauna, as he would in the healthier regions.


Hunt the Monster.


There would surely be monsters to hunt.

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3 hours ago, KidKrinkles said:

The Wildsmen, Victor, brushed aside the canvas of his tent and rubbed at his eyes gently. The morning brought the sounds of the Aryn-an-Eryn through the trees to his ears; mostly the sound of birds chirping in the morn. The Wildsmen stepping out would do as he usually does; despite the corruption of the Kingswood, he monitored the movements of game and fauna, as he would in the healthier regions.


Hunt the Monster.


There would surely be monsters to hunt.




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