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The Little Pink Book ☀️

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The Little Pink Book

Published in the Year of the Butajin, 179 SA 1130 Kamijikan

The Shugo’s Wisdom

57 Enlightening Quotes from Honorable Uncle O during the Sakura-Gakure occupation of the Second Yokai War


Transcribed by Ugokoyama Bata, the Red Oni @Lojo613




1. In this time of crisis, there are no Nobles and no Peasants. Every soldier must be a Samurai and a Shinobi. I shall need one army, united and singular in its purpose, to liberate our land. The Army of Uncle O!


2. The state is the culmination of the collective labor of all our ancestors. Therefore, to work against the state is to dishonor all our ancestors. 


3. No mud, no lotus! (Any allegations that this phrase has Li-Ren or Yong Ping origins are treason)


4. There are two types of men in this world, citizens and commoners. The commoner does whatever he must for the state so that he may survive, but the citizen does whatever he can for the state so that it may survive. 


5. A good soldier understands that the land is his greatest weapon. Where the brush is thick, it invites traps, fortifications, and ambush. Where the soil is fertile, it begs to be cultivated into rice paddies. Where the bamboo grows tall and the wood is strong, it asks for us to make weapons and defenses. Nourish and protect your land, and it shall deliver victory!


6. Sometimes you have to kill a chicken, to show the monkeys who’s boss.


7. To the invaders; instead of dying in your home surrounded by your family, you will die surrounded by ours.


8. Even death has its benefits. It can fertilize the ground.


9. To struggle is righteous. A people who are without the means to live peacefully shall wage tireless war to achieve them!


10. When a nation goes to war, her men go to fight. When a faith goes to war, its faithful go to fight. When Uncle O goes to war, everyone goes to fight!


11. A man who fights for himself is strong, a man who fights for his family is honorable, but a man who fights for his nation is a hero. 


12. A life without an honorable death is wasted!


13. To die alone is sad. To die with friends is beautiful. 


14. My ancestors smile on me, imperialist, can you say the same?


15. I strive to be a leader who can unite the people and bring prosperity and stability to all Oyashi. 


16. The strength of a nation lies in the dedication of its people. 


17. Our destiny is to become a beacon of progress and enlightenment for the world.


18. Leadership is about making tough decisions for the greater good, even if they are unpopular. 


19. The Oyashi’s future lies in the hands of its youth, and we must nurture and guide them to greatness. 


20. Unity and perseverance are the keys to achieving success in any endeavor. 


21. The liberation of Oyashima from Yorinobu is one of our noblest missions.


22. The love and respect for our traditions and culture is what distinguishes us as a nation. 


23. I believe in the power of diplomacy and negotiation to peacefully resolve conflicts. There is no diplomatic tool more powerful than a katana. 


24. The greatest instrument of peace is my .44 Braecorp smoothbore tripod mounted tanegashima.


25. As a leader, it is my duty to foster unity among diverse groups and foster a sense of national pride. 


26. Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive. 


27. When the enemy advances, withdraw; when he stops, harass; when he tires, strike; when he retreats, pursue.


28. Not having the correct political ideology is like having no soul. 


29. When waking a tiger, use a long stick. 


30. In times of difficulty, we cannot lose sight of our achievements.


31. Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.


32. If there was no struggle, there would be no opportunity to earn honor. 


33. Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and stability. 


34.To reap a return in 10 years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people. 


35. It may take 3 years, it may take 5, it may take 10, but our victory is inevitable.


36. Come the right moment, even the pawn can bring you victory. 


37. Food for my people, prosperity for my country, this is all I want, all I understand. 


38. All my life, I have served my people with all my heart and strength. If I should now depart from this world, I would have nothing to regret, except not being able to serve more and longer!


39. Though borders and mountains stand between us, the Oyashi of the whole world shall come together as one family. 


40. We have a tradition of undaunted struggle and the great sympathy and support of the people of the world. We shall win!


41. To have a good crop we must weed the field, otherwise the rice will grow badly in spite of careful plowing and abundant manuring. 


42. In practice, the enemy has been making much more propaganda for us than we have ourselves. 


43. The hour has struck! Raise the banner of Koyo-Kuni and lead the people throughout the country to overthrow the imperialists! The sacred call of our state is resounding in our ears; the ardent blood of our heroic predecessors is seething in our hearts!


44. The entire Oyashi people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their state. 


45. In a war, victory and defeat in battle are common things. What matters is that we win the final war. So long as a single Oyashi lives, the war is not lost!


46. The duty of the citizens is to love and take care of every fighter and to value and save every cent, every bowl of rice, and every work hour of their compatriots. Our fighters have the right to demand that the citizens fulfill this task, and chastise those who do not. 


47. I am a straightforward man with no crime on my conscience. Life is never a very smooth business, but every action I take is honorable in the eyes of Kamisama. 


48.  A fall into a punji pit, a gain in your wit.


49.  If we have a correct theory, but never put it into practice, it is of no significance. We must test all our hypotheses to advance our society. 


50. All loyal, honest, active and upright citizens must unite to oppose the dishonorable tendencies shown by certain people among us, and set them on the right path. 


51. The army must be one with the people so that they see it as their own. 


52. There is an old Oyashiman fable called “The Foolish Old Man Who Destroyed a Mountain.” A foolish old man gathered his two sons, and with shovels and picks began to tear down a mountain. The wise old man told him “give up on this task, you shall die before it is complete.” The foolish old man replied “and my sons will continue this task, and their sons shall continue, and so on. High as these mountains are, they cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower.” This is the philosophy of our state and of this war as well. 


53. Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory. 


54. When all the horrors of the world are arrayed against you, recall three words: Hold the Line!


55. Even a chopstick can become a weapon in the hands of a patriot.


56. Haganeki Banzai!


57. Dishonor the state, dishonor the Shugo.


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A depressed former paladin--now full-time bodybuilder--sat in a dark alleyway in Saki-Gaki brooding over the defeat of Zanu. Upon reading the Shugo's wisdom he suddenly stood up and rejoiced in enlightenment, a single tear falling from his eye,




He then departed the city to go squat sacks of rice in the storehouses.

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