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Mandated by the Obsidian Throne



As of the 12th of Dungrimms Call, the Legion shall implement new reforms by the Grand King’s decree.


  • The previous Edict of Emergency shall be repealed as the present danger from the Darkstalkers has passed.


  • All Dwarves above the age of 18 are encouraged to enlist within the Legion to face the impending threat of the Azdrazi and serve their Kingdom. 


  • The Honour System of Old shall be restored to reward consistent service towards the Legion and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


  • All enlisted Legionnaires have had their honour calculated based on their service in the past few years. 


  • Payment shall be standardised at the rate of 25 mina for Ironguards and 50 mina for Pridebearers; Grunts must prove their dedication to the Legion.


  • The requirements for payment per stone week shall be attendance at one Legion practice and two stone hours of Gate Duty. 






Thurgrim Silverbraid

Grand King of Urguan, Clan Lord of the Silverbraids


Grand Marshal of the Legion,

Snaer Frostbeard,

Tribune of the Legion.

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'quite a respectable set of articles.. surely the result of an excellently administered society.' Lothair thought to himself, noting some observations and concepts down for his study of wider administrative lessons.

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