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Eye for an Eye.


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"So much for being able to have outrun him.." A woman in blue comments upon hearing the news.

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"The food chain asserts itself properly over time." spoke Az'rekash. 

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"Good luck in killing that which is already dead.."


Barrowlord Fornotos, Herald of Stride and named of Mordring did sigh, slamming a gauntleted palm to their face... Despite their greatest efforts, the streets were empty and the ranks of the Synod barren. Gashadokuro would likely have more time beating the life out of a corpse.




They then remarked in surprise as the words on the paper shifted before her very eyes.


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Within that world, an iron coffin resided, a skull of gilded stakes and and opal gems upon its visage. Such a skull of blackened bone remained silent, yet upon occasion to those that listened, a chuckle and quip was made. Something to pass the long time, that was to be had.  

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2 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

There was an odd silence that perturbed the area, before the lich made his comment. "Resting lich face," 


When conversation came to pass, a cackle came upon quips and jokes. "Son of lich, that got my funny bone."

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Just now, Damnit_Delmar said:


When conversation came to pass, a cackle came upon quips and jokes. "Son of lich, that got my funny bone."


"Hah - that was a good one," Alkhayin placed a large brown cigar against its boney jaw, puffing a gout of smoke from each crevice and hole in its skeletal frame. 

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A ranger heading over the Northern mountains listened attentively as he reached the summit marking the final stretch to the port. The sound of a storm, the flapping of wings and the yapping of these spawns of Moz'Strimoza was loud enough to draw anyones attention. "That's something we could have done without..." he muttered to himself. He began setting up a little hovel from which to observe the lair. 

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Shugo Kato Oijin and the Ashigaru shot down some of these imp messengers along the checkpoint as they crossed over the Koyo-Kuni border bearing this message,


"Yare yare, the do'badders take each other out before I get my chance." Such was the fate for the unvirtuous, the twisted and the spooky on Braevos.

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A draugar rose quill, and found it dipped in ink. Slow strokes of methodical precision made their way over the paper. The once-Sermi considered there course of action.

The port would not be silent for long. For in every failure yet came further opportunity. Sometimes, the path of Umbrage required... Sacrifice. 

This will do nicely, she thought, as the first of many birds took flight.

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An Inferi stalks towards Celia'nor. Along a coast, to keep an eye on the port of Xion. 



"I'll snuff out any embers of this wretched order. Shameful, are the Warlocks somehow able to keep their pacts with the Moz, yet scorn it. Shameful are the witches that curse their father eyes. In this Age of Dragons. What place have the godless among us?"

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Arthur decided to finally stop keeping his tavern on full lockdown 24/7. "Rip Bozo." he spoke from his lips as he stared upon the missive.

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Scrisa the Betrayer could not get the taste of sweet, sweet revenge off her lips. . .

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Daal the imp perched by the coffin cackling as in the crevices of his teeth were bits of roaches and a old shoelace from his very favorite meal. He cracked a joke as well “What did the muscle strong strong zombie crave want?” not a moment of silence was had as the imp burst out laughing, barley getting the answer out GAAAIINNNNSSSSSS BAHAHAHAHA!” The imp rolled in the muddy courtyard of the Hexicanium laughing like a mad hyena 

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