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[✗] Blood Magic Tweakeries [Amendment/Addition]

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BM Tweakeries

Embark - Non Combative



This ritual is conducted to create a rift, a bleeding portal from one place to another, typically another plane. This requires the circle to be inscribed with as many relevant runes as possible to describe the place intended to hone the accuracy of the rite such as metal, light, divinity, sacrosanctum, and power to travel to Xan’s Realm of Order or earth, water, air, flora, and mortality to travel to Anthos. As alluded to, rifts are notoriously fickle and when it opens to reveal what lay ahead it may not at all be the intended destination, just something like it, and given the vast multitude of planes and descriptions it is not always certain to succeed. Rifts remain open for a relatively brief time, 10 narrative minutes or 30 OOC minutes, and display the world ahead of them in an eerie crimson light after which they slowly stitch back together like a sealing wound. To enter a blood rift is to accept a PK clause as there is no guarantee a character can conduct the ritual again to return home (which requires no roll as they are anchored to return home, they need only the necessary blood) and the monks cannot rescue them. Characters with resurrection abilities may circumvent this. All uses of this ritual require ST manager approval as succeeding may create a prolonged and detail-oriented event for the ST who may need to prepare. Note that the ST are by no means obligated to approve any or all requests and are not obligated to explain their reasoning.


Once the ritual circle is prepared at least three blood mages must activate it by placing open wounds against its outer edge, one of which must be at least tier 3. Then, the ST event actor presiding over the summoning will briefly teleport away to somewhere hidden to roll out of 20 in secret, add the appropriate modifier (see Blood Rites under Abilities), and return to roleplay the result of the ritual. 


Roll 1-5: the ritual catastrophically fails and may produce, among other effects, a violent elemental explosion, the summoning of a hostile entity such as a Voidal terror or inferis, a temporary black hole that deprives the area of air, a noxious fume cloud, chunks of a landscape or magma, etc. The immediate result (e.g. explosion) should not be lethal but what follows may be (e.g. a terror) if the ritualists are ill-prepared.
Roll 6-12: the ritual fails with complications and produces, among other effects, an elemental explosion, the summoning of a hostile entity such as a lesser Voidal terror or inferi imps, a gravity well, blinding and choking smoke,  etc. The immediate result (e.g. explosion) should not be overly damaging and may knock back/over, wound, and/or impair but what follows may be more dangerous (e.g. imps) if the ritualists are ill-prepared.
Roll 13-20: the ritual succeeds as intended. If decided by the ST, even successes may have unintended results, especially if the rift is to a guarded or especially violent place wherein an entity may exit the rift to confront the ritualists such as an inferi from Moz Strimoza, a zhuanth from the Fae Realm, and so forth which may then remain on the mortal realm or return through the rift as the ST see fit. Additionally, ST (with manager approval) may choose to allow for the rift to remain open permanently and create a wound in the fabric of space that refuses to heal.

Embark is a ritual that does not require an emote count but should take around 6-8 emotes to perform, including the drawing of the circle and its runes in fresh blood of which there are likely many and the ritual activation. This ritual requires 6 units of genus and an additional 2 units of genus if used to open a rift to a deity’s plane who may adamantly protect it and seek to actively deny entry.


Further, two or more blood mages can utilized Embark to create multiple minor blood rifts linked at predetermined destinations that are higher or lower on the same median plane, allowing one to create ‘portals’ that can send the user though otherwise solid spaces without necessitating the construction of physical lifts, stairs or ladders (mechanically represented by lift signs). These minor rifts may be left active at all times following creation.


Embark is a work of high blood magic and requires further dedication for a blood mage to lead the ritual (elaborated on under Blood Rites above).


Red Lines:
-Requires at least 3 blood mages, one of which must be at least tier 3.
-This ritual requires ST to be performed to play the creature(s) involved and requires ST manager approval. To reiterate once more, ST may choose to deny a ritual for any reason; if it would be too involved and too much of a hassle to manage characters roaming, say, the ruins of Asulon then so be it. Because of this it is highly encouraged for blood mages to cooperate with the ST and be understanding the scope and breadth of their rift requests.
-Entering a rift necessitates the acceptance of a PK clause as the character may end up with no avenue for returning. Characters who may persist past death such as animii, ghosts, gravens, wights, eidola, siliti, striga, tree lords, darkstalkers, archliches, and so forth may circumvent this.
-Rifts are fickle and even a success could lead blood mages to an unintended destination. ST decide and describe the location, allowed to do so entirely through text or with a build prepared for representation. The ST may, at the conclusion of the event, decide whether the characters have the means to return, if they can acquire the means to return, to continue the event in-game or over Discord at a later date, or that the characters are lost if not already dead and effectively PK where they are stuck in that place. With ST approval blood mages may attempt to open a rift once more at a later date in an attempt to find and free such a person should they still be alive.
-Because of how the ritual magically exhausts participants, those who participate in or lead the ritual cannot participate in or lead another group ritual for 1 IRL day.
-Vertical rifts are represented by typical CraftBook lift signs and are functionally identical. IRP they are activated by genus-having blood, typically from select individuals, and then the operator(s) may allow any to pass through them. They are not capable of facilitating horizontal travel, only vertican; it’s to be treated as a lore explanation for blood mages wanting to use lift signs.




This ritual is conducted to create a rift, a bleeding portal from one place to another, typically another plane. This requires the circle to be inscribed with as many relevant runes as possible to describe the place intended to hone the accuracy of the rite such as metal, light, divinity, sacrosanctum, and power to travel to Xan’s Realm of Order or earth, water, air, flora, and mortality to travel to Anthos. As alluded to, rifts are notoriously fickle and when it opens to reveal what lay ahead it may not at all be the intended destination, just something like it, and given the vast multitude of planes and descriptions it is not always certain to succeed. Rifts remain open for a relatively brief time, 10 narrative minutes or 30 OOC minutes. However, for each additional [1] unit of genus, an extra 30 OOC minutes can be added to prolong its closing.  Rifts display the world ahead of them in an eerie crimson light after which they slowly stitch back together like a sealing wound. To enter a blood rift is to accept a PK clause as there is no guarantee a character can conduct the ritual again to return home (which requires no roll as they are anchored to return home, they need only the necessary blood) and the monks cannot rescue them. Characters with resurrection abilities may circumvent this. All uses of this ritual require ST manager approval as succeeding may create a prolonged and detail-oriented event for the ST who may need to prepare. Note that the ST are by no means obligated to approve any or all requests and are not obligated to explain their reasoning.


Once the ritual circle is prepared at least three blood mages must activate it by placing open wounds against its outer edge, one of which must be at least tier 3. Then, the ST event actor presiding over the summoning will briefly teleport away to somewhere hidden to roll out of 20 in secret, add the appropriate modifier (see Blood Rites under Abilities), and return to roleplay the result of the ritual. 

Roll 1-5: the ritual catastrophically fails and may produce, among other effects, a violent elemental explosion, the summoning of a hostile entity such as a Voidal terror or inferis, a temporary black hole that deprives the area of air, a noxious fume cloud, chunks of a landscape or magma, etc. The immediate result (e.g. explosion) should not be lethal but what follows may be (e.g. a terror) if the ritualists are ill-prepared.
Roll 6-12: the ritual fails with complications and produces, among other effects, an elemental explosion, the summoning of a hostile entity such as a lesser Voidal terror or inferi imps, a gravity well, blinding and choking smoke,  etc. The immediate result (e.g. explosion) should not be overly damaging and may knock back/over, wound, and/or impair but what follows may be more dangerous (e.g. imps) if the ritualists are ill-prepared.
Roll 13-20: the ritual succeeds as intended. If decided by the ST, even successes may have unintended results, especially if the rift is to a guarded or especially violent place wherein an entity may exit the rift to confront the ritualists such as an inferi from Moz Strimoza, a zhuanth from the Fae Realm, and so forth which may then remain on the mortal realm or return through the rift as the ST see fit. Additionally, ST (with manager approval) may choose to allow for the rift to remain open permanently and create a wound in the fabric of space that refuses to heal.

Embark is a ritual that does not require an emote count but should take around 6-8 emotes to perform, including the drawing of the circle and its runes in fresh blood of which there are likely many and the ritual activation. This ritual requires 6 units of genus and an additional 2 units of genus if used to open a rift to a deity’s plane who may adamantly protect it and seek to actively deny entry. Additional units of genus may be added to prolong the rift’s closing, though the ST may choose to close the portal at any time, regardless of how much has been added. 


Further, two or more blood mages can utilize Embark to create multiple minor blood rifts linked at predetermined destinations that are higher or lower on the same median plane, allowing one to create ‘portals’ that can send the user though otherwise solid spaces without necessitating the construction of physical lifts, stairs or ladders (mechanically represented by lift signs). These minor rifts may be left active at all times following creation.


A single blood mage may conduct a minor version of this ritual which serves as an aesthetic alternative to soulstoning. This process takes [1] emote and is mostly freeform, though typically the blood mage draws a circle in fresh blood, with any runes and/or reagents from the area they wish to travel to. Multiple people may pass through this minor portal in the instance multiple people are soulstoning to the same location. 


Embark is a work of high blood magic and requires further dedication for a blood mage to lead the ritual (elaborated on under Blood Rites above).


Red Lines:
-Requires at least 3 blood mages, one of which must be at least tier 3.
-This ritual requires ST to be performed to play the creature(s) involved and requires ST manager approval. To reiterate once more, ST may choose to deny a ritual for any reason; if it would be too involved and too much of a hassle to manage characters roaming, say, the ruins of Asulon then so be it. Because of this it is highly encouraged for blood mages to cooperate with the ST and be understanding the scope and breadth of their rift requests.
- This ritual also requires players to inform ST/ST managers how long they intend to keep the portal open for preparation purposes. ST may choose to close it sooner for any reason, as they have the ultimate say.

-Entering a rift necessitates the acceptance of a PK clause as the character may end up with no avenue for returning. Characters who may persist past death such as animii, ghosts, gravens, wights, eidola, siliti, striga, tree lords, darkstalkers, archliches, and so forth may circumvent this.
-Rifts are fickle and even a success could lead blood mages to an unintended destination. ST decide and describe the location, allowed to do so entirely through text or with a build prepared for representation. The ST may, at the conclusion of the event, decide whether the characters have the means to return, if they can acquire the means to return, to continue the event in-game or over Discord at a later date, or that the characters are lost if not already dead and effectively PK where they are stuck in that place. With ST approval blood mages may attempt to open a rift once more at a later date in an attempt to find and free such a person should they still be alive.

- The added units stack on top of the base amount set by Embark mechanics. IE: reaching a deific realm still requires a base of [8] units before any extra are added to prolong the rift’s closure.
-Because of how the ritual magically exhausts participants, those who participate in or lead the ritual cannot participate in or lead another group ritual for 1 IRL day.
-Vertical rifts are represented by typical CraftBook lift signs and are functionally identical. IRP they are activated by genus-having blood, typically from select individuals, and then the operator(s) may allow any to pass through them. They are not capable of facilitating horizontal travel, only vertican; it’s to be treated as a lore explanation for blood mages wanting to use lift signs.

- The lesser version of Embark serves as an aesthetic soulstone and abides by all soul-stoning mechanics; thus, it may not be used in combat or to escape combat.

- Multiple people may pass through this ‘portal’ in the event that multiple people are SS-ing to the same location.

- The aesthetic alternative to SS-ing may NOT be used to reach other planes, or to ‘shunt’ whatsoever; it's to be treated as a lore explanation for blood mages wanting to soulstone.

- The aesthetic SS-function of Embark doesn’t necessitate a genus cost.
- The aesthetic alternative to SS-ing, while not requiring a genus count, still requires genus-having blood

- The aesthetic SS-function of Embark doesn’t necessitate a PK clause upon entering the rift.



As it stands, the Embark ritual is more of a one-way trip. You have 10 narrative minutes– or 30 OOC minutes– to interact with the tear you’ve made, any creatures that come out of it, or any creatures that greet you once inside. I understand it’s not supposed to be easy by any means, but it shouldn’t be this hard. Already, the ST have total control of the ritual; whether the req to attempt it is accepted, where the rift will lead, what will come out of it, whether the players will live or not– etc. Even with this amendment, ST management/ST can still control how long they want the tear to be open– even if it doesn’t respect the additional time/units. If ST believes that a req/attempt will be poorly used, abused, misused, or otherwise prove too complicated, then they can deny it, as per standard Embark redlines.


(An additional point to the above, it sometimes takes a group– ST included– twenty or so minutes to emote. That’s roughly half, or more than half of the allotted time, especially if the group is large, if they have particularly slow emoters, if there are complications on the ST’s end (IRL or in game), so on and so forth.)


As for the minor, more aesthetic variation of Embark; it’s a fun, harmless addition that provides more fruit to the second slot. The second slot is already woefully underdeveloped, and I think an addition like this will take it one step closer to being a worthwhile choice. As well, Embark already aesthetically replaces the function of lifts. Why shouldn’t it replace the function of SS-ing?


The reason a genus count isn’t necessitated for the aesthetic variation is because necessitating a genus count for a mechanic that's often spammed throughout the day would undermine its purpose as a lore explanation for soulstoning. A similar reason is in place for the rite of reflection, which served to replace birds when they existed outside the pluggin. It has no genus count, and it also serves to replace a non-stationary (ie: lifts), server-wide mechanic. It's also a harmless mechanic that provides no tangible gain beyond fun or flavor.


for peer review
@Lockagesfor peer review

@Punished_Pup for peer review

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Also, I think a line should be added here to specify if this requires ST or not (also vertical is spelt wrong)

1 hour ago, Moonish_Imp said:

-Vertical rifts are represented by typical CraftBook lift signs and are functionally identical. IRP they are activated by genus-having blood, typically from select individuals, and then the operator(s) may allow any to pass through them. They are not capable of facilitating horizontal travel, only vertican; it’s to be treated as a lore explanation for blood mages wanting to use lift signs.


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Also makes sense to explain why the big vampires would butcher a bunch of people to open these bad bois. 

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6 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:


Also, I think a line should be added here to specify if this requires ST or not (also vertical is spelt wrong)


That’s on editing team smh… but I’ll drop some stuff in anyway when I get back to my pc o7 (also I’m 85% sure u need ST but I’m not 100% sure…)

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1 hour ago, Moonish_Imp said:


That’s on editing team smh… but I’ll drop some stuff in anyway when I get back to my pc o7 (also I’m 85% sure u need ST but I’m not 100% sure…)

I tried asking once about it, but ST was no help, unfortunately. It could go either way tbh. I would be fine with it being like Ensorcellments where you do the RP and then make a req. Might also be good to clarify genus counts of these lifts since 6 genus is wild

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mfw interplanar travel reduced to ripping holes in reality to move 400 blocks away 



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17 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

mfw interplanar travel reduced to ripping holes in reality to move 400 blocks away 




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