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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Zemzy_Oakheart] Appeal

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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Borderline ERP / Inappropriate RP Topics


What circumstances led to this ban?


Let me be clear there wasn’t a sexual event or even ERP, but I can admit it could be misunderstood if taken out of context.

I was roleplaying as a feral goblin (similar to Tarzan) that has no teeth as they had been removed before any RP had been done on the persona. I was given no context on what was acceptable or not when creating the persona as it came from an ST event that I was not a part of at the time.
(Link to the forum post of character slots)

As part of Gummy’s backstory with her teeth being removed, there was absolutely no RP about it; nothing on the server, nothing on Discord, it was simply an idea. Since I was given no context on the ST event, I decided the feral goblin nest used their own kind as means of entertainment to beat up for fun, like gladiators. Part of that meant the nest took Gummy’s teeth out early so she couldn't bite back, like declawing a cat.

When I’d asked the player who offered the character slots about the children & told them the idea, they replied to me saying it was understandable & had no issues with me upon the idea. There was nothing weird or sexual about it; purely abuse. I was never confronted about Gummy’s lack of teeth other than by one person, yet despite the fact Gummy wasn’t hiding that she had no teeth when she first met the player, they offered to adopt her as their own child; a player completely different than the one who offered me the character slot in the first place. I’d mentioned both in RP & OOC that Gummy wouldn’t just leave her father figure behind to make this person happy, but the two players must have sorted something out without telling me first.



I’m sorry if this seems a little confusing to put into the appeal, but I add this to show I understand not to be weird about RP. If I were to be a child accepting someone to just take me away from my supposed family, would it be less weird? Would it make the situation more uncomfortable? I only try to use realism & logic when I think about what I emote, but I’ll admit, sometimes I don’t always think every answer out fully. I know some of my emotes may sound strange, but the thought process behind it can’t be explained every time I post an emote or the immersion is lost.

When I was asked in RP of a term I’d used (unconnected to the server from a D&D game I’d originally encountered an NPC version of Gummy’s concept) “buyog” meaning “*****” & tried to explain things in OOC to make more sense of the situation for them, it had only caused more confusion & discomfort for another person to report. However, it is an actual term that’s used & on LotC it never had that sort of meaning.

(Meaning of Buyog & Out-Of-Context screenshot)



I can understand how seeing an emote like what was highlighted could be taken out of context as vulgar & unsafe for the server, but the context that was skipped over was what explains why it was still safe in the situation.
At the time of this RP, my persona Gummy was still learning how to speak & understand Common speech; not perfect, but it sounded broken like a second language. Gummy was speaking with a family figure who was planning on leaving the city forever & assumed he didn’t want to see her anymore. As she cried about the dilemma, another player that she considered a family figure tried to sort the situation, even if she was being whispered to to lie to cover the first player’s intentions. Later on it led to a chase to which Alex’s (Ferdaboy) screenshot is from.

(Context for the screenshot above)


I’m sorry to those who assumed the situation may have sounded inappropriate; I was trying to figure out what a child would do if they’d grown up being disciplined or doing wrong in a wild “society?” of goblins that never interacted with anyone outside of their cave nest. With no one from the original ST event to explain anything for a “no rule” concept, I’ve had to be careful on my own with everything I do on this persona & I fully understand that more than ever now.

Despite trying to watch what I say & do, someone reported it as borderline ERP after I’d been threatened & insulted by them, & I was immediately banned the very next day. I thought I’d cleared the air with them when I was approached OOCly about their concerns, & offered to leave the city for their comfort, but I see that wasn’t enough to settle the situation.
(Context to sorting out the miscommunications the day before being banned)


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I may have spoken about Gummy’s origin from the D&D game her concept came from in OOC which was not PG13, but the information was not carried over to the server’s backstory & that miscommunication might have made people uncomfortable, & draw wrong conclusions of her corrected story in LotC. For that I apologize. However, I never RP’d anything explicit with Gummy & fail to find any evidence that proves I’d done any RP of removing teeth or using said deformity in a sexual manner. The screenshots & what I said were either taken out of context OR they had made inaccurate conclusions based on what I’d said OOC about the character, which again were not true of the character Gummy I play on LotC.

Concerning a report of a medical book I wrote that was tagged to this ban; that was an incident from 2022, almost 2 years ago from now. I was on my first persona at the time & new to the server & didn’t know the rules. A mod spoke to me back then about it to delete every copy & I understood without complaint, doing everything in my power to remove the books from existence. I thought I was doing right to create the book, but I learned way back then how big of a mistake it was & I’m still sorry to this day about that incident, yet it’s completely disconnected from this persona. Why is it still part of this ban almost 2 years later when the posted rules / guidelines explain minor or moderate claims would be erased after one year later? I’m unsure, but if it was serious enough back then, wouldn’t I have been banned for a short time when it occurred? I’ve not seen a copy of that book in years & still fail to find any remnants, yet I fail to see how an invalid claim can be attached to this situation.

2 months felt too long of a ban for such an offense when there isn’t enough evidence to justify such a long sentence. While yes, non PG-13 things were mentioned OOC or in Discord on where the idea for this character came from, nothing was explicitly RP’d in LotC or anything related to that & the book-issue was so long ago that any relevance should have been voided.


I know the rules & infraction system of bans are mere guidelines for mods & above to use as a base, as well as each case is different & can become more severe depending on what is proven, but even with such guidelines, the claims of “Borderline ERP & Inappropriate RP” would not explain 2 months away from the server. In the time I’ve had to understand what I’ve done wrong or right, finding other examples of ERP & borderline situations had only been granted 2 weeks banned.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I’ve honestly missed hanging out with the friend circles I’ve built on the server & being a part of their stories just as much as they’ve been a part of mine. I’ve missed supporting others when it comes to RP events, feeling like I’m a part of the community when it’s the highlight of my day after stressful work shifts. Ever since I’d joined the server years ago, being a part of a community is all I’ve wanted to do & my friends have seen how hard it’s been for me to try & find a place I belong. I know I’m not perfect & I understand that I can be a hassle at times for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I only go with the flow of RP, rather than being told of events & trying to find a reason to insert myself with the meta-knowledge.
Being banned has thrown everything I’ve tried to build for myself out the window & I know I will have to figure out how to explain things to myself on how / if I’m allowed to return, but I don’t plan on making things complicated as I’ve learned from past experiences. I’d only like to reconnect with those I’ve lost all this time with (& events I’ve missed because of this) to pick up the pieces & resume my persona’s story with the knowledge I’ve learned from everything that’s happened to not trust everyone I come to RP with. I won’t be so open about things that can be taken out of context to the point where I can be banned for miscommunications again.


Attach other relevant information.


The forum form for this appeal is having troubles with inputting screenshots at first, so I include the GoogleDoc link below that covers everything here with the screenshots necessary for each section required. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I cross my fingers this works. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

Edited by Zemzy_Oakheart
Added all screenshots original form wouldn't allow & fix links
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Hey, so I'll be handling the report. One thing I would like to clarify is that I did NOT misunderstand the use of 'buyog' and that is one of the main reasons I felt the ban was necessary. Through logs that I'll show below, it does indeed mean '*****'. 


Regardless of the word meaning ***** or not, my response to the appeal is the same. I believe you've served your time and understand the consequences of creating roleplay that makes others uncomfortable. 


Appeal Accepted


Welcome back.


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