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3 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:


King Sugarfoot III sauntered across the realms, and in his tidings, came across the home of the red-headed 'aheral. As a bandit, and a burglar, he peaked his head through the window, and listened intently to the words of the elf. Instantly, the halfling sugarfoot began to nerd_emoji, raising a pair of spectacles. "Erhm, first and foremost, miss, they are not canonist! Second of all, your house stinks! Haha! The spirits are not angry about this! I would know, I just spoke to Billy Bob, he seemed joyous. Tater stocks are up, and your stocks, are down!"

The halfling walked away in style, after invading the privacy of the woman. 


ok this was just kind of funny to tab back into my browser and see. **** you that wasnt allowed


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The blood of last sunset, Casreus, trained day after day in wait. 


It would be cowardly to back down from a challenge. Any challenge.

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Deep below Krugmar, the rattling of goblin machinery begins to churn once again. A cavern once dark, begins to light up. The lights of a forsaken settlement flicker on one at a time as the sound of an ancient war horn sounds throughout the deeps. Soon, malicious cackles and the shrill screams of goblins slow to wake begins to echo through the caverns.


As the goblins of Gob'Town awaken, the rank smell of foot soup begins to spill out onto the surface world once more. A single slogan is heard, a vile chanting repeated ritualistically from all below. 


"Footzies for dah footz soups! Sho-Shoez for dah Shoez-Throne!"

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[!] The Pharaoh shakes his head after finishing his read of the Orcish missive. He places the missive down on the table and picks up his crook, walking towards the exit of his palace.


"When will this tyranny end? When will the primitive brutalism of the Isfetian society known as Krugmar be purged by the nations of the world? They dare invoke the Gods to justify their cursed behavior? May the Eye of Ra be against them, and may their efforts be forever in vain."

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An aged Shrogo would wake up from a madcap trip, a smile revealing his wretched, stained teeth. "Wagh! Wagh! LUARA commandz it!" The goblin scurried off, trying to find a suitable rodent to offer up as sacrifice.

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Cathan shifted to overlook the mountains of his home, before going to remind himself of an oath that he had made long ago. Defend the Balance; restore Nature; and enlighten the Descendants to how they injure the world to Ruin and the Void through their actions by word or sword.


War was Diplomacy by another word, Cathan recognized solemnly - and the Templar spoke under his breath,


“Malchediael - oversee me as I fulfill my obligation to the first Dogma.

May my sword prove itself true; May my sword prove itself strong; And may this war be short.

May the deaths be quick.”

Edited by Wizry
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An Inferi reads the missive and curses.

There goes its plans, the downtroded sons of Krug would have their bloodlust filled again. Their economy would boom, when it needed it the most. Then back into the sands they'd go, high on cactus green until the next horn called them back home.

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"war... is pointless, Violence is pointless, when will all these people learn that this will come to nothing but chaos and distruction in the end" Karuna Amal murmured to herself as she jently knelt and put her hands together "Ahura'ma hear my please... and please end this tyranny.. from both sides"

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"Orcs aren't known for their intelligence; otherwise, they'd know the name of the actual vassal they’re attempting to war with." Andria shook her head as she prepared for battle. "Nothing but air up there."

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"A good day - good day indeed. First that dreadful Sun Elf place, then Kaethul, and now Vikela; nature is healing, literally." spoke The Bog Druid, wondering how he can sign up for this war effort.

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Artel lingers on the edge of the jungle, the old man watching the people of the city hurry into the walls to hide, a smile creeps across the old mans face "After how they treated Cat, ich wonder if der Orc's need those plans ich drew up all those years ago" he asks as he turns his eyes to the red moon in the sky, thinking.


The young Artair watches the red 'sun' in the sky, looking at the words of war upon the page he found, the ever silent gaze studying the page as he does everything. Perhaps, he thinks, this is what it is to mean for Icathia to return.

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Tied down in his campaign against a demon lich daimyo squatting on his unincorporated border, a military governor sends masked hand sign making agents to gather intelligence and survey the scope of the war.


”Arms sales opportunity at last!”

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6 hours ago, squakhawk said:

The blood of last sunset, Casreus, trained day after day in wait. 


It would be cowardly to back down from a challenge. Any challenge.


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Rap'Lur, stuck in a cove with his small fishing boat, contemplates the prospect of violence as a leaflet describing the conflict improbably blows his way. Nonetheless, he is, at the moment, incapable of coming back...

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